Chapter 5

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I woke up in my bed by the sound of my phone ringing loudly. I grunted loudly and reached for my phone, recognizing the number instantly as Harry's. I answered the phone, grumpy because I had just woken up. "What do you want Harry?" I mumbled. 

"Did you just wake up?!?!" Harry laughed. 

"Did you call for a reason or were you just looking to bother me?" I snapped, I really am not a morning person. 

"Actually, I do need something. Management saw the pictures of us, you need to come over... now." Harry said, the tone of his voice more serious than ever. 

I started panicking "Why? Did you tell them I barely know you? Do they think something happened between us? Are they-"  

Harry interrupted me "Lauren, it's probably not anything big. Just come over. I'll text you my address." Before I could say a word Harry hung up the phone. I shrugged and got out of bed. I got dressed and walked into the kitchen, only to see my best friend Kate talking to someone on the phone, her back was faced towards me so she didn't notice I had walked in. I needed my jacket, which just so happened to be right by her. I didn't want to have to talk to her about how I kind of ditched her last night. So, I decided to leave it. I slowly grabbed my keys and began walking out of the kitchen before overhearing her mentioning my name. She was talking into her phone, I couldn't see her face but her voice sounded worried. 

"No I promise, I haven't said a word to her since after she left the arena with Harry." Kate whispered thinking I was asleep and not wanting to wake me up. There was a short silence as she listened to the person on the other line talk. Then she spoke again "What do you mean how did she get here? I already told you; she fell asleep in Harry's Car and he carried her to bed." Kate gave out a loud grunt, "NO NOT IN THAT WAY! I already told you, he just carried her in they weren't like boning each other!!!" I giggled from the doorway. Kate heard me and turned around. I quickly pulled my body out of sight. Kate turned back around so I peered back at Kate, her fingers twirled in her hair like she always did when she was nervous. "No I don't know where they went last night! For his management, you really do an awful job OF MANAGING HARRY!" She shouted into the phone. I giggled again and Kate turned around once more before I yanked my body out of view. I gave up trying to listen and carefully tip toed to the door. I slowly pulled the door open and walked outside, closing the door behind me. It was snowing outside. I stared upwards towards the white clouds and smiled. I quickly snapped myself out of my daze, realizing that Harry said that it was urgent. I drove to Harry and Niall's house and as I edged closer I noticed Harry, who was standing on the front porch looking on his phone. When he heard me pull into the driveway he ran down the long driveway towards my car. I slowly turned the car off and got out, just in time for Harry to reach my car. 

"Their angry! Really angry! We are just lucky the head management isn't here!!" Harry said, freaking out. He stopped when he noticed me shivering. "Oh, you must be cold. You didn't bring a jacket." Harry said. 

"Well, I was about to but Kate was standing right by it and I ju-"I began before Harry interrupted me. 

"Just take mine." Harry said, handing me his jacket. I shook my head. "Just take it." Harry said.  

"Thanks." I said, before putting on his jacket and walking along the driveway with Harry. "So, what are they mad about?" I asked. 

"They wouldn't tell me. They sounded really angry though." Harry replied. 

"Why do you think they would be mad at us?" I asked. Harry just shrugged. "I mean, we didn't do anything right?" 

"Right, I mean the worst think that could happen is I will have to leave again." Harry said, not realizing how serious that would be. I looked up to him with sad eyes. "Oh come on Lauren, it's not that bad." Harry laughed before opening up the door for me. I walked in and Harry followed me. Harry led me into the living room where my eyes met 2 tall muscular men that I assumed were body guards, standing behind a much scrawnier looking man sitting in a chair.  

"Lauren, welcome welcome!" Said the Man as Harry and I sat down on the couch across from him. I looked at Harry confused, he had said they were really mad. Harry shrugged. I guess they were acting nice. "So, how about these pictures, huh? Crazy! Am I right?" The man spoke to us in a tone that suggested that we were 5 year olds. "Oh how silly of me! I didn't introduce myself. I'm Jeremy Bridges, assistant to the head manager." He spoke proudly, reaching out his hand for a hand shake which both Harry and I ignored. "Well, ok then. I'm just going to read you two one of the comments people have made so far." He said cheerfully. He pulled out a sheet of paper from his briefcase. "Harry Styles, spotted last night leaving the arena with a girl who research shows to be named Lauren Collins." The man slammed the sheet on the table, his smile disappeared, and angry look replacing it. "You know, I have to give these paparazzi some credit. I mean that's a lot of detail." He laughed but it wasn't a happy laugh. It was an angry laugh if there ever was one. Harry and I remained silent. "Now, we have proposed two things we can do at this point. You will no longer attend classes either way." He said, not breaking eye contact once with Harry. "Harry will have to find a new town... or" The man grinned, "you two have to pretend to be dating."  

Harry and I looked at each other before Harry spoke. He could see it in my eyes that I didn't want to pretend to date, "I will leave t-" 

"We can pretend to date." I interrupted, knowing how much it meant to Harry that management even gave him the chance to stay in one place. Harry looked over at me, a worried look on his face. 

"Lauren, you don't have to." Harry began. 

"No, it's fine. I can do this. How bad could it possibly be?" I said trying to stay positive.  

"Good...." The man replied before giving a creepy grin.

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