Journal #4: Unneeded school day

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So this entry is gonna be actually about school. No its not gonna be educational so please don't click off. lol.. But anyways, something happened in school that is worth writing the details about. Something sad....depressing but worth telling. I wanted to write about something serious, and I can; now that I have WattPad. But without further or do, lets get to the story.....


-December 1, 2016 (24 days til Christmas)-

I'm in English class right now 

and he (read my "The Guy" entry to

know who I'm referring to as "he") is

called down to the office. I know why he

was called down to the office because its

about him and I. A little update: everyone

knows I like him but I completely deny it.

Everyone says we are dating too.. that's

why he was called down, to be questioned

about that. He had gotten tired of it and

so did I so, we decided to tell someone. I

was nervous that I was gonna be

questioned too but happily, I didn't. It was

only him and the person who is annoying

him about it the most. I didn't ask what he

said after I got back because I wanted to

keep my distance away from him so It

doesn't happen again. I might do that for a

good couple of days so he doesn't get

annoyed at ME and I don't lose my good

friendship I have with him.. I'll probably just

die... My friendship with him is precious to

me. I have a special place In my heart for

him. He doesn't know that.. I don't want

him to ever know that. Or I will lose him...

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