Greetings and Example Format

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Hello person!

This "book" is basically my review on Wattpad books and stories that I have come across and like. You can use this book as a reference when you're bored and looking for something good to read. You can recommend some books in the comments for me to read or do a review on. If I read the book you recommend and I DON'T like it, I WON'T post it on here. If I don't post a review on a book you told me about right away, don't start assuming things... I'm probably still reading it or haven't gotten around to it yet. Anyway, I'm going to start with some books that I have already fallen in love with so let me quickly clue you in on what stories I like to read:

(1) I don't read anything about werewolves because I don't understand all the alpha and werewolf language and stuff.

(2) I don't read vampire books (on Wattpad, at least) either but I don't think I'll hate it TOO much if I find a really, really good one.

(3) I like to read teen fiction but nothing super cheesy or cliché.

(4) I like reading funny books, too, so if it's got a good plot, I'll read it.

(5) I don't mind reading fan fictions but not when it's too cliché (like I said before) or really expected.

And (6) I've read books with "smut" in them before so I don't have a problem with it but if that's not your thing, I'll leave a disclaimer in the review.

Every "chapter/part/new review" or whatever you call it, will be formatted like this:

Title: Susan Actually Likes Hot Dogs
Author: HeLlO3strawberry47

Susan was never the hot dog type of girl. That is, until she was forced to go to the county fair with her mother where she tried a hot dog at "Ralph's Doggies" food truck...

My Review:
Well, let me just say: this book sure is something. It had me at the edge of my seat the whole time and I even pulled a few all-nighters. Susan was so stubborn but soon she blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

(Yep, so that's what it would look like. Keep in mind that what you just saw was an EXAMPLE I made up on the spot. Don't go out and search this story up. Please. Be smart.)

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