Battle of the Minotaur and Blah Blah Blah

Start from the beginning

Wait, what?

The Minotaur, probably sensing the mortal's presence, whirled around and grabbed her by the throat. the monster squeezed and Sally was whisked away to the Underworld in a shower of glowing light.

Once she was gone, Percy decided to fume loudly. "Come ON! Seriously? I needed to know the my father is and what does she do? Gets herself captured! MOTHER F-"

The bull-man cocked his head to the side in confusion. What was the demigod doing? He just sent the boy's mother to the Underworld and he decides to use very colorful language? Wanting to end this probably insane demigod, the beast surged forward and was met by a lazy swing.

A bull's horn landed a few feet away from the pair. The Minotaur stared at it before bellowing and rage and swiping at the demigod with his meaty hand.

Only to have it turn to sand. The demigod wasted no time to stab the monster through the heart. The Minotaur crumbled into sand and swept away by the wind.

Percy sighed. He really wanted to know who his father is. He let his sword dissipate into nothing and walked over to Thalia's Pine. Making sure no one was around, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the vial Chaos gave to him. Percy uncapped it and poured it around the base of the tree.

He pt the vial back in his jeans and walked past the border. Or tried to. He face planted into the invisible barrier surrounding the camp. Clutching his nose and cussing like a sailor- it seemed like a second nature to him now- he put a hand on the barrier. It only kept out monsters...

Percy cursed silently. If his father was Typhon than he would kill Chaos. Suddenly, the barrier became reflective, like a window; he could see what what on the other side but also his own reflection.

He got why the barrier didn't let him in: he didn't look human. Completely human anyways. His iris' were blood red and his scleras were completely black. He was a few inches taller than earlier and his tan was paler.

The red and black eyed demigod closed his eyes. Several deep breaths later and he opened them to see sea green with specks of black and red. He pressed his hands to the barrier and found little resistance. It felt like passing through ten vertical inches of water. When he was past the barrier, Percy heard a sound that resembled a sigh come from the pine- as weird as it sounds. He immediately knew it was Thalia's spirit in the tree.

"Two short years, Thals," Percy said to the tree. "Two short years, you'll be out and we'll be together."


"He's the one; he has to be!" Annabeth whispered furiously to her mentor and surrogate father.

But before Chiron could answer his prized pupil, a voice said, "Please don't inflate his ego anymore than it already is."

Annabeth looked up from the sleeping demigod to someone else. He had sea-green eyes with specks of red and black, black hair that looked like midnight with no stars and recently cut that went up to his neck. He was tan and looked older, Annabeth guessed around thirteen. He was bleeding from underneath his bangs that tried and failed to cover his eyes.

"It would take me forever to knock him down a couple pegs." His voice was deep and guiding, like a lullaby. It was also sarcastic, mocking, and had a deep presence in it, but Annabeth didn't focus on that.

"Perseus?" Chiron sounded confused. The boy- Perseus, Annabeth guessed- turned his head and grimaced.

"I really do prefer Percy, Mr. Brunner," Percy replied. He walked up on the porch and Annabeth sucked in a breath. He was hot.

Percy took it the wrong way. "Don't worry. I won't kill you... probably." It was a jab at Annabeth's pride, saying that he could beat her- a seasoned camper- when he was a newbie. But she didn't register it as he strolled up to his brother and delivered a hard kick to his abdomen.

"Kyle, you wimp," he muttered before landing another kick to his gut. The younger brother woke up in a gasp, immediately clutching his most likely bruised ribs.

"Percy," Chiron scolded like this was an everyday occurrence, "it would not bode well for you to kick a car accident patient."

"I was in the same car!" Percy argued back.

Annabeth spoke up, "Grover said you weren't there in the car."

He barely glanced at her when he replied, "That's what happens when you go through the front window."

"How are you not dead? Or severely injured?"

Before he could answer, Grover appeared on the porch looking distraught. "I can't find Sally or Percy, sir."

He froze when he saw the subject of his panic, he exclaimed, "You're here!"

Percy sighed in annoyance. Goat Kidd was going to get on his nerves faster than in the last time line. Percy seemed to have a shorter fuse in this life. "Yes," he agreed, "it was hell getting in here but yet here I stand."

"Where's Mom?" Kyle asked. He had gotten up off the floor when Grover raced in. He was a little pissed that no one noticed. Especially the blond.

"Dead." That one word hung in the air. "Disappeared in a golden shower of light."

Percy could see that both Chiron and Annabeth had ideas swimming in their heads.

"Percy?" Grover asked. "What did you mean it was hell getting here?"

Percy stared at him incredulously. "Did you forget about the Minotaur?" Percy asked. "I still had to get past it to get here... Where is here?"

He was acting stupid of course, but he couldn't have anyone be suspicious that he knew more than he should. Even if he did.

"I believe the orientation film won't be enough," Chiron said himself. Percy's inner-face fell. He hadn't actually seen the infamous orientation film, nobody would let him. "In the meantime, we must find out who your father is."

"Fathers are," Percy corrected.


"We don't have the same father," Percy explained. "I thought that it told you on our school files?"

"It did. But for the father, it said 'No-Father' for both of you," Chiron told him. "On to introductions, my name is Chiron. Trainer of Heroes and Activities Director here at Camp HalfBlood."

Kyle froze when he said his name was Chiron. As in the thousand years ago Chiron. The one that stood in front of him was the one who trained Hercules and Achilles and Theseus. So that meant he was immortal... Was there a way for Kyle to become immortal? Or better yet, a god?

A plan formed in the obnoxious demigod's mind. Little did he know, his brother had already put a plan into action that would destroy the very thing he wanted to be.

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