Talk Spanish to me {Spain X Reader}

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The sun shined down on the grassy ground. You cuddled up against Antonio as you both laid down on the picnic blanket. The picnic basket, which had just recently been emptied, lay just on the corner of the blanket. Antonio sighed, his chest rising then falling gently as you rested your head on his. He had his arm wrapped around you, pulling you close to him.

You look up at him. He looked so calm and peaceful, which you rarely see. He was always so cheerful and optimistic, it was so weird to see him so relaxed. He took notice of you and looked back down at you. He smiled sweetly, the smile you fell head over heels for. You smiled back with just the same amount of energy as his smile.

"Are you okay, dear?" He said, his accent strongly ringing through your ears like beautiful church bells. You nodded and smiled more, if that was humanly possible. He chuckled softly before leaning down and kissing you on the forehead. He then whispered something strange.

"Me haces tan feliz amor."

You stared up at him, your smile no longer showing. Just a face of confusion. You thought about it for a moment.

Out of the few months you two had been together, he never taught you any Spanish. Not whatsoever. He never really used it in front of you. You knew the easy stuff, like 'hola' or 'gracias', but not much else. He never brought up the topic.

You stared at him, confusion written on you face. "Wh-what...?" You finally stuttered out. His smile dropped as he stared back at you. His lips then curved into a smirk.

"¿Cuál es el problema?" He spoke, the grin still plastered on his face. Even more confusion filled your mind as you tried to figure out what he was saying to you. You felt bad for not being able to understand him.

He giggled softly, smiling again. "Eres tan linda cuando estás confundido," he said sweetly. Your confusion slowly turned into being flustered. You really wanted to know what he was saying. You felt like he knew you didn't understand him, and that's why he kept speaking Spanish. You sighed before finally speaking, "I-I can't understand you..." You spoke quieter than you thought you would.

He smiled widely down at you, leaning closer to your own face. "I know," he said, softly and flirtatiously. "I just love to see you confused. Its adorable."

Suddenly, your lips were locked with his. It was just like any other kiss you two had done before, but you felt that there might have been more passion in this one than any of the others. You felt yourself melt against him as he pulled you closer to him. The kiss felt like it lasted hours, days, years. You loved every second of it.

You finally pulled apart from each other, breathing a bit heavily. You both smiled and laughed together, never unlocking eyes. "Te amo," he purred.

Now there's a word you understood. "I love you too," you chirped as he pulled you in for another kiss.

This chapter is kind of short but gUYS I'M NOT DEAD! HI EVERYONE! IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE UPDATED!

School has been stressing me out so so so much (life of a high school junior I guess huh) and finals are this week but I'm technically done! Hopefully I'll start updating a lot more now that I have more free time. Writers block always hits me right after I start writing something, so it's going to be really hard for me to upload. But I'm going to try and pull through. You'll probably be able to tell when I've rushed a chapter (like this one lol) and I'll probably only write/upload them at like 3 in the morning (it's actually 4 am here woops). But I'll try and get some content published, even if it isn't this book. I'll try my hardest, I'm sorry if I don't do it.

But yeah hopefully I'll post more regularly!! I'm working on a bunch of stories and I've joined some new fandoms so expect some fanfics from those! I'm so excited to be back!

~Ms Fannie~

P.S.: Translations! (I used google translate so excuse me if these are completely wrong)
"Me haces tan feliz amor.": "You make me so happy, my love."
"¿Cuál es el problema?": "What is the matter?"
"Eres tan linda cuando estás confundido.": "You are so cute when you are confused."

P.S.S.: My boyfriend always says stuff in Japanese and I never understand him and he knows it and I think he does it just to annoy me so yeah I think I was inspired by him woops XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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