My Big Star (England X Reader)

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You cheered as you sat in the front row of his concert. Arthur, the guy you have been friends with for years now, sang and played his Union Jack guitar to his heart's content as screams filled the arena. Arthur was only famous in your town. He had always wanted to be a singer, and his wish finally came true. He was sent an email from Star Records about a few days ago. They wanted to make a contract with him, and he accepted.

He smiled as he bid the audience a final farewell for the night, blowing kisses into the audience. Screaming fangirls crowded around you, making you uncomfortable. After a few seconds, you were able to finally escape the crowd and run towards the door.

As you were about to reach the exit, you heard Arthur speak into the microphone. "One more thing before I leave you guys tonight," he said, "I wanna do something I've been meaning to do for a long time." You turned around as he made immediate eye contact with you. He smiled that adorable smile that would always make your heart flutter wildly. "Will you join me up on the stage, (Y/N)?" He asked as everyone turned to face you.

A dead silence filled the giant theatre. You gulped loudly as your stage fright began to consume your entire body. You pick up the courage to walk forward and up onto the stage. Arthur smiled and held your hand, making you blush madly. He turned back to the audience and spoke into the microphone.

"This is my friend, (Y/N). We've been friends for about 5 years now. I've never felt happier around anyone else but my fans and her. She was always there for me, and I wasn't always there for her. She cared about me, even though it probably seemed like I didn't care about her. But I did. I did care about her all these years that I've known her. I know her more than I know anyone else, even myself. And I think I'm ready to finally say something."

It was clear to you that the audience knew what was coming next as they had begun "awwww"-ing. You blushed and smiled, feeling some tears stinging your eyes. You had a feeling you knew what was happening as his green eyes locked with your (e/c) ones. He smiled sweetly as he held both of your hands in his. "(Y/N)," he said, "I want you to be my girlfriend."

"You didn't even have to think about it as you nodded, screaming "Yes, of course!" as you fell into his embrace. The crowd went crazy, with screaming fans everywhere cheering your name, along with Arthur's. As the crowd roared on, Arthur leaned into your ear, whispering three beautiful words: "I love you." You smiled as you whispered back, "I love you too, my big star."

He then said a goodnight to the audience as he walked offstage, his hands still entwined in yours. He then stopped behind the curtains, pulling you into a beautiful kiss that you would never forget.


Yay!!! Another one done! Sorry I haven't been posting recently, I've just had writers block for these. I'm also working on an original story that I may or may not put on here called "To the Moon and Back". Also my English teacher decided to give me three projects all at once. Woopee.

Anypoo, hope you enjoy this one, it was kinda short due to writers block and stuff. Remember to comment if you want me to do a specific oneshot!!! I need ideas!!

Also, "Star Records" is from a show I watch on TV. If you know what show that might be from, you will legit be my best friend. And I'll write a special oneshot with whatever you want it to be. Comment what show you think "Star Records" is from!!!

Thanks friends, Ciao~

~Miss Fannie~

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