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Everything was still. And everything was perfect.

The house plants were thriving around them. The air was cool, and crisp, making the comforter they shared, all that more... Comforting. There was a small buzz of noise out on the London streets, but the pair has grown used to it being in the background.

Everything was just. Still.

Until one started to stir.

Dan rubbed the sleep out of his eyes on the October morning, squinting to see the alarm clock next to him, that read 07:00 as the morning day break blinded him. Coffee. Was all his mind could imagine. But as he moved to get out of bed he was hindered by a pair of arms that were still snaked around his waist. He rolled over to look at the sleeping boy still wrapped around him, and smiled.

His black hair, normally plastered into a fringe like style across the right side of his head was now pointing up in every direction. Small snores escaped from his slightly parted mouth, and Dan couldn't believe, after all these years, that he still woke up to him every morning. Sure they had had a few rough patches, but what's a relationship without a few bumps and scratches. At least, in this moment, everything was perfect.

He gently unhooked Phil's hands from his waist, and laid them back onto the bed, as he dragged himself out, longing for some coffee on this morning. He trudged lazily through the house, almost dragging his feet as he walked to the kitchen. Careful not to walk into the glass door, he started the coffee machine.

Being the multitasker Dan claims he is, he began making a bowl of cereal to go along with his drink, only to shake his normal box of "Crunchy Nut" and realize it has significantly vanished since yesterday. To which he only shook his head and smirked. He reached up to grab the second box in the cupboard when two arms snaked around his waist, making him jump.

"Jesus Christ Phil you nearly gave me a heart attack," Dan turned around to see the love of his life laughing at his adorable squeal. His glasses were perched on top of his nose ever so delicately, accentuating his ocean eyes that Dan always got lost in.

"It's weird seeing you up first, normally you're in bed till 2 in the afternoon," Phil laughed out, grabbing himself a bowl, and the milk from the refrigerator.

"I couldn't fall back asleep," He sighed, opening the second box of cereal, "and who gave you the right to eat my cereal till it's nearly gone."

"My paycheck," Phil joked, grabbing his usual Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and pouring a hefty amount into the dish.

"Just because you went shopping last week doesn't mean that you can almost leave me with nothing," Playfully pushing Phil, "You're lucky you bought two boxes this time."

"Yeah, see, I was planning on eating your cereal ahead of time so I bought another box," Phil laughed again, pouring milk into his cereal bowl, "I just can't help it."

"God you're lucky I love you," Dan mumbled under his breath, smiling as he grabbed his bowl and headed to the lounge to turn on the anime they were currently watching this week.

"Awe I love you too, now stop moping around and eat your cereal," He brightly exclaimed, to which Dan smiled and rolled his eyes. He was always way too energetic in the morning, but he secretly loved it. Phil would do the dishes, and tidy up all before Dan decided to roll out of bed, and it didn't even seem to phase him, while Dan groaned just thinking about taking his bowl to the sink.

As they finished their cereal they slowly moved closer to each other until they were cuddling once again trying to warm themselves up, sprawled out on their massive sofa. Dan had showered last night, so his curls were in full swing this brisk morning, and Phil didn't hesitate to play with it as he leaned on him, their eyes still fixed to the television. Soon enough Dan had fallen back into a sleep to make up for his lost hours. Phil only shook his head, and slowly laid him down onto his lap, and continued to watch the show even though he knew Dan would whine when he woke up that he watched it without him.

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