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Lapis p.o.v
Today was Christmas Eve I was excited. I was kinda lonely with out Peridot with me, but she has a family sorta. Soon I was done rapping all my friends and family gifts. I ran out quickly to my car the drove to the Quartz's house. I knocked mrs Quartz opened the door. "Oh hello to you lapis" she greeted politely. "Hi can I come in" I asked. "Sure" Jasper and Amethyst where in the living she told me. "Oh hey lapis" Amethyst said happily. "I've got you both presents". "Really awesome you shouldn't have" Jasper responded. I passed them each a present Amethyst opening it very quickly, then Jasper opening it preserving the wrapping paper. "Wow thanks lapis how'd you know I wanted a wrestler mask" the short girl said happily. Jasper opens the box "thanks lapis" I got Jasper a band t-shirt she's always wanted. "Well I gotta go you two marry Christmas". Soon I was driving to Peridots house. I knocked on the door and peridot opens the door. "Hi babe what ya doing here on Christmas Eve" she asked confused, "and what's behind your back". "Oh just a present for a special someone can you guess who?". "Let me guess is it for me". .Merry Christmas Peridot" I passed the box over. She opened the box and looked rather pleased. "Lapis how'd you know". Peridots gift was a Camp Pining Hearts Percy costume. "I'm your girl friend that's why". Peridot hugged me tightly "thank you lapis". "I have something for you I'll drop by your house later". Bye peridot I waved and drove home. Wonder what peri has waiting for me.

Peridot p.o.v
Lapis just came to my house, and gave me a gift. I'm gonna repay her not by using sexy this time Something romantic. I thought to myself for a moment. Lapis gift is already here I was gonna give it to her today. My brother was home for the holidays. Emerald I called while knocking on his bedroom door. "Hey Peridot whatcha doing knocking on my door". "Well you see it's important I wanna make my girlfriends Christmas awesome". "Why do you need me" Emerald asked confused. "Well I need a drive my cars still in shop form that accident". "Sure what time I have no plans" he said happily. "5pm would be good time for me I have some planning to do". He ruffled my hair "sure little sis anything for you". I walked to my room and locked the door. It was 3pm now I have a couple hours to finish. I got out a scrapbook and printed off some pictures of lapis and I. Then Arranged our first pictures to our previous pictures. Soon the scrapbook was complete. I still a 30 minutes to spare. I'm made sure to dress my best. My tucks was perfect for this occasion. Once done showering and styling my hair I grabbed lapis presents, the knocked on Emeralds door. Thanks god he was ready we went to his car, and I directed him to lapis place. Getting close to lapis house I adjusted my bow tie we arrived. Stepping out of the vehicle with confidence I walked up to lapis door and knocked. Lapis opens the door then asked what I was doing here. "Well I have a little gift for you". I passed her the blue scrapbook decorated in ocean stickers. She opened the book I read her a poem I've worked on for a few days.

My devotion
Lapis you make me happy very happy.
Without you I wouldn't be me.
When you weren't in my life I had nothing,
But you and I we share something special together.
Before I was cold, harsh, and mean, but you saw the good
In me.
Depression was in my life, then you came and cut it away like a
Lapis lazuli you've been good to me, so what's the best way I can
Pay you back.
Your the light at the end of my tunnel.
It was your eyes that take me away, and the your smile the
Next day.
Your love I crave even in my grave.
My lapis lazuli.

Lapis p.o.v
Peridot read me a vary meaningful poem, and I was brought to tears. I hugged her very tightly and kissed her. "Peridot I love" I said sniffling tears of happiness. "Your the only person who's done such a kind thing for me". "Lapis you've been there for me no matter what I'd do anything for you" she said a tear rolling down her cheek. I flipped through the scrapbook it was all the times we've spent together leading till now. I smiled and kissed gently on the lips. "I also have this for you". Peridot passed me a box that was wrapped. So I opened the box and it was a Pierre costume, and a very expensive necklace with a pretty gem inside it, "I can't be Percy alone can I". "Peridot your the best girlfriend I could ever have". We gave each other our final good bye hugs. I closed my door and walked up to my room, and place the box with necklace on my dresser, then the costume in my closet. The rest of the night I thought about peridot.

Peridot p.o.v
I was ver glad to see lapis so happy, my brother clapped. "Why are you clapping" I asked a bit confused. "Sis never knew you could be romantic". I laughed "me either" we drove home mom was waiting for us. I'm always get scared that she gonna be drunk when I get home. My mother can be the nicest person in the world sober, and the meanest bitch you're ever gonna meet when she's drunk. She hugged Emerald and I when we walked up to the door. "Guys come in I made hot chocolate It's pretty cold out there". Emerald was afraid to leave me alone with mom when he went off for college. Because you don't know what she capable of when drunk. But it took me a lot of convincing to make him go off for college elsewhere. My mom wasn't drunk she's been taking therapy and going to rehab. She's gotten better with control I'm happy maybe I'll enjoy my Christmas a little better this year

[Christmas Day]
Emerald dragged me out of me out of bed. "Why are you dragging me out of bed" I asked pretty angry. "It's Christmas" I finally got up and went down to the living room. Mom was already there waiting for us, we talked and opened presents. I actually enjoyed my Christmas for the first time in a while.

Lapis p.o.v
Most of my relatives came over for the holidays we had fun gave gift to each other. This years Christmas was the best, not because of my family, because of peridot. She makes me feel like I'm special.

Pearl p.o.v
My depression and anxiety has made me very sad. But my Christmas with my family was pretty grate I went to California to just my grandmother and grandfather. I didn't get to see the snow, but Amethyst texted me a video. Overall i had a grate Christmas with my family.

Amethyst and Jasper p.o.v
Our Christmas was good our aunt came over , and we had lots of fun. We enjoyed every minute of it spent with our family. Our friends gave us grate present. I'm out of the hospital, but I have go back soon I'm still not cancer free. I wanna overcome my cancer in the new year.

A/n: Hope you all like that chapter, and Merry Christmas to all of you. This is my gift to all my viewers and followers. If you didn't follow you can do that I'd you like it would make me happy. Comment, vote, and happy holiday. 🎄🌨☃️🎁

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