New years was spend with our friends, getting shitfaced and starting the new year together. Nothing more, nothing less.

After I got ready, I took a jacket and walked over to the bakery, were me and Harry first had breakfast together. I couldn't seem to wipe that smile off my face, which made people look at me curiously, but I didn't care.

As soon as I entered the bakery, I was engulfed in a warm atmosphere, and a lovely scent of freshly baked cookies. I loved them here, they made the best and they were the best when warm and soft.

"Millie!" Susan exclaimed, making me smile at her. She walked around the counter, opening her arms and hugging me tightly to herself. "How are you, love?" She asked, a smile on her face. "I'm good, what about you?" I politely asked her, in which she shrugged. "Same old, same old." She walked behind the counter again, bending down and shoving some things to the side.

"Harry's got something for you, he told me to give it to you, whenever you appear." She informed me, seeming kinda clueless about his little game. "Yea, that's why i'm here actually." I said, impatiently waiting for her to give me the second letter.

Finally, she looked up again, a little basket in her hands with fresh cookies and a letter tied on the basket. "He ordered me to make you some cookies. Told me something about an adventure, that crazy kid." She laughed softly, handing me the basket. "Thanks for making them Susan, it was probably a lot of work." I apologetically looked at her, but she shrugged it off. "Everything for my two lovebirds. 'Knew you'd end up together." She winked, making me chuckle at her.

I took the letter, putting the basket on the counter, opening it.

'If you're Susan, please don't be nosey, love.

If you're Millie, continue.

Congratulations, it will get harder, I promise.

This was our first breakfast. I did it because of the discount, never thought we'd end up together in an actual relationship, haha.

Nevertheless, let's move on.

2. Walk, where you first sat, when I walked into the room and you were undeniably stunned by my beauty.

I love you, H. x'

The short letter made me laugh this time, remembering our first breakfast here and how Susan already saw it coming, that we'd get into a relationship.

"You two are good for each other." Susan unexpectedly said, making me look up at her. She wore a soft smile on her face, head tilted and hands rested on the counter. "Very good." She added and nodded to herself.

"Thank you for everything, Susan." I replied, making her close her eyes for a second and nodding her head once more. "Now off you go, before I start crying. Leave the basket here, but take a cookie with you, they're still warm." She ushered me, making me laugh. I grabbed a cookie, hugged her a last time and bid my goodbye.

Walking to the college, where me and Harry had our second 'interaction', I ate my cookie. I almost ran, opening the big doors and rushing to our classroom.

Hoping, no one would have classes in there today, I knocked until I heard someone mumble an 'come in.'

I opened the door and looked around, to see Mr. Cromwell sitting on his chair, looking like he already awaited me.

"Hey, Mr. Cromwell." I politely smiled at him. "I just need to grab something, then I'm leaving again." I informed him, but he got up, and walked towards me.

"I know, Harry informed me. I don't even have any classes, I just wanted to say hello. I missed yours and Harry's presence in class quote a lot. Always had this lovingly aura here." He said, making me blush. "I'm happy for you two, absolute pleasure to have you in my class. Both of you. I hope you'll stay together for a long time, if not forever." He patted my shoulder, the man wearing nothing but honesty on his face.

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