Chapter 1

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Hello! :)

This is a two shot story about Rose explaining her relationship with Adrian to Dimitri.

The main reason I wrote this is because I've always wondered how Dimitri saw Rose's relationship with Adrian. Didn't he ever wonder why Rose started dating Adrian, if she'd been happy with him and such? Did Dimitri ever feel insecure? I wondered how Rose would explain her relationship with Adrian. Hence, this one story.

I hope you'll like it! :)


Lightning flashed against the dark sky, briefly illuminating the Court grounds. Thunder rumbled overhead and the torrential downpour continued mercilessly.

I wasn't complaining, though. I loved the rain.

I've always loved the rain. There was something fascinating...magical about the drops descending from heaven. The almighty sun is eclipsed within seconds, surrendering to the mighty dark clouds. Accompanying the clouds in a victory procession are thunder and lightning, the terrifying twins. A dark hush falls over the earth, a heavy stillness before the skies tear open.

I breathed in the fresh smell of the soaked earth as rain drops hit my palm. My perch on the window sill was perfect for rain-watching.

There was one thing missing from this god-sent evening though.

My boyfriend, the great guardian Dimitri Belikov.

If only I could curl up in his arms right now...

The very last ingredient in the recipe for a perfect evening.

But my badass battle god wasn't here yet.

Sighing, I abandoned my comfortable window seat to fetch my phone. Scrolling through the contacts, I found my target quickly and dialed.

"Hello?" The voice of my best friend's boyfriend sounded from the other end.

"Where's your guardian?" I asked him without preamble.


It was so unlike Christian to hesitate. I knew it could only mean bad news.

"Dimitri left just now," Christian said slowly. "Rose, there is something you should know."

"What?" I asked impatiently. Didn't I just say bad news?

"We were in the guardian headquarters today," Christian replied. "In the file storage room to be exact."


"Paperwork," came Christian's wary reply. "Formalities to be fulfilled, you know...after aunt Tasha's execution."

I took a deep breath, trying to push away the memories of Tasha's execution.

"So, what happened?" I asked Christian, trying a softer tone.

He sighed. "A young guardian, new to the Court was in charge. He said he'd been assigned to sort out the old criminal files. He...Well, he said that he'd read your file."

"My file?" I was confused. What file was he talking about?

"Outdated file," Christian replied. "From a year ago. When you'd been...ah, accused."

"You mean my criminal file?" I asked him bluntly. "Saying that I murdered Tatiana?"

"Yeah." Christian cleared his throat. "The guardian, Floyd,, made a joke about you and Adrian. The file had Adrian's statement saying that he'd spent the night of the murder with you in your room. Floyd made some pretty stupid jokes about...that night."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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