32. Makeup Running & Made To Leave

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"Okay, if you go to history... I'll do something." Ally rambled. She didn't know exactly what would get the boy to go to class, but if he had something in mind, she was all ears. Austin smiled slyly as he turned down to look at her.

"Something?" Austin asked with an eyebrow raise. Ally rolled her eyes at the bad boy before back-tracking on her offer.

"If you're going to act like that about it, then-"

"No! I was teasing. But I can't think about anything right now. Can I cash in later?" Austin asked hopefully. Ally laughed and nodded.

"Yes, but only if you go to history. Then, we can talk."


"I went to history." Austin remembered with a small smile. Ally's face scrunched together as she tried to comprehend what he was talking about.

"What?" Ally finally gave in. She had absolutely no idea what her bad boy was talking about.

"I meant, you know when you were trying to get me to to to class and you said that you would do something for me if I went? Then Trish and Dez overheard me telling Dallas that you were my tutor?" Austin rambled as he hoped he would jog Ally's memory. He needed this more than anything else in the world. He needed a moment to explain himself to Ally. And something as stupid as this, just might grant him that.

Ally held back the smile that threatened to grace her lips as she let the memory play out in her head. She had completely forgotten about that.

"How did you remember that?" Ally ventured, hoping it was for a more reason than wanting something from her this whole time.

"I remember every conversation we've had, Ally. I remember because I'm in love with you, and have been since the second we met." Austin tried. He was hoping the extra sugar coating would only help his cause and not hurt him.

"Fine. Explain." Ally caved. She knew she would eventually have her own questions about this soon enough. It would be better if she had all the information before she stormed out of here. Austin breathed out as he tried to gather his thoughts.

"I've always wanted to be famous. But my parents never believed in me, so I decided to find my own way about doing it. When I heard you singing, and playing that song, something clicked inside my head. I knew that I would probably be able to convince you to give me a song or something, but I never thought that I would like you that much." Austin started as he moved his hand down to her arm to her own hand. He played with her fingers as he contemplated were to continue from. "After I got you to say yes, I could see that you saw it as more than just a partnership, which, I was starting to feel that way, too. I knew that you had become friends with Dez, and that Trish was scary enough that I could get some gigs, so I added them on. But I also knew that after I got famous, I wouldn't need Trish and Dez." Austin left off once more.

"But why would you need me?" Ally asked worriedly. Austin sighed.

"I needed you, because you write songs that mean something. Everyone else in Hollywood just spits out songs because it makes them money. You write songs because it makes you feel something. I knew that we had a connection deeper than anyone else that I had ever met. But then after Trish and Dez agreed to the plan, it all started to fall apart. I missed Dez, to be honest. And then Trish started to become one of my good friends as well." Austin continued. Ally nodded along, trying to see where all of this was going. Her heart was still pounding out of her chest as Austin told her how it all had been.

"What changed?" Ally asked quietly. "Why did you all of a sudden decide to keep us with you?"

"I want you guys with me, because you're more than just my 'ticket to the top'. Trish and Dez are my best friends in the world, and you, are my girlfriend. You're the one person in the world that understands me better than anyone. I can't see my life in Hollywood without you three. I can't see my life at all." Austin reasoned as he rubbed his thumb lovingly over the back of her hand. She shook her head as the tears began to slip down her face. She had to get out of here, because she gave into him once more, it would be the death of her. He had a way about him that always drew her back in. She couldn't do that this time. She shouldn't have ever said yes the begin with, but that was ancient history now... Their ancient history, to be exact.

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