Banging on the Table...

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Astroguy: Hey guys! How are y'all?

thePersianPrince: Hey darling...

littledrummerboy: Hey... :\

thesassmaster: Hey Roggie! what happnd? Why so serious?

littledrummerboy: Nthg...

thePersianPrince: Well, Roger was hitting his calculator on the edge of his desk because it wasn't working...

Astroguy: soooooo?

littledrummerboy: Freddie, shut up! Don't!

thePersianPrince: then d teacher shouted at him, "ROGER HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I BANGED YOU ON THE TABLE?!?!??!??" =D LOLSS!!

Astroguy: What? XD Hahahahaha... OMG!

thesassmaster: XD, wow... Sassier than me... Hahahaha...

littledrummerboy: FML

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