Jason Jr. and Sheriff McDouche

Start from the beginning

"Nice tat."

"Looks like either Jason Jr. is a fan of Vince's art design, or some crazy pagan shit is going on here," Danny said, poking the tattoo.

"Why does it have to be pagan?" Dean inquired.

"Dude. It's a creepy ass scarecrow in the middle of a weird ass orchard in a town of shady ass people. Of course it's pagan. What it is, exactly, I'm not sure," Danny said with a thoughtful frown, making his way back to the car.

Dean made a face, saying, "Fair enough."

The brothers then got into the car and drove back into town. They stopped at a gas station, where Dean proceeded to chat up Emily and get their gas tank filled. After a moment, Dean got back into the car, explaining that there was another couple in town who might be in danger. They make their way over to the Café, and proceed to enter it.

"Oh, hey, Scotty. Can I get a coffee, black? Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you're at it," Dean said as soon as they walked through the door.

"Guess I'll have some hot tea. Whatever you got," Danny said with a small shrug.

Scotty walked away, presumably to get their drinks. The boys sat at a table next to the couple, where Dean begins to exchange pleasantries with the couple, and probably harass them too.

"How ya doin'?"

The couple waved and smiled.

"Just passing through?"

"Road trip," the woman responded.

"Hm. Yeah, us too," Dean replied, gesturing his thumb to his brother.

They nodded rather awkwardly in response. Scotty walked over to refill their cider. What a douche. He hadn't even gotten their drinks yet. Or the pie. Can't forget the pie.

"I'm sure these people want to eat in peace," Scotty said rather irritably.

"Just a little friendly conversation," Dean replied.

"Something you're, apparently, not familiar with," Danny smiled, tapping his fingers on the table.

Scotty started to walk away when Dean called out, "Oh, and that coffee and tea, too, man. Thanks."

"And the pie. My brother gets cranky when he doesn't get his pie. 'Hulk smash' level of cranky," Danny continued in a rather off-handed tone.

Scotty looked agitated as Dean continued to talk to the couple, causing Danny to cringe slightly at his lack of people skills.

"So, what brings you to town?"

"We just stopped for gas. And, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives," the woman said.

"Is that right?" Dean asked skeptically.

"Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking. We had no idea. He was fixing it for us," the man spoke.

"He's fixing something, all right," Danny mumbled, really wishing he had his cup of tea right now.

Dean tried and failed to convince the people to let him take a look at their car. He then tried to not-so-subtly warn them about how dangerous the road was, much to the couple's irritation. The bell above the café door suddenly jingles and a man walks in. Scotty came out from a back room, without their drinks and pie, I might add.

"Thanks for coming, Sheriff," Scotty said, probably bouncing with joy inside.

Dean and Danny exchanged nervous and frustrated looks. Scotty whispered something in the Sheriff's ear, and they both look at the brothers. Dean looked away while Danny shot them a smile and a small wave. The Sheriff walked over to them.

Hello, Brothers {A Supernatural fanfic} Season 1Where stories live. Discover now