"What, you don't want it in October?" Lucy asks.

"Um. Not really because it's cold should we wait until it's warmer?" Emma asks.

"Uh. We can go to a local Church and do it there it's warm there too" Lucy says smiling.

"Okay, fine but what day?" Emma asks.

"Saturday October 14" Lucy says.

"This weekend?" Emma asks.

"Yep" Lucy says.

"Okay, well let's just tell my mom and Hanna's mom and stuff today then" Emma says.

"I already told my mom" Hanna says looking up from her phone.

"Okay, that's one down" Lucy says smiling.

"I'll go see if my mom is still here" Emma says getting up from the chair and walking into the living room.

"Okay" Lucy says.

Emma walks down the hall and up the stairs. She knocks on The guest room door and then walks in. Her mom is up but she isn't in the bed. "Mom?" Emma calls out "I'm in the bathroom honey" Her mom replies. "Well, when your done come down stairs me and Lucy have something to tell you" Emma says. "Okay, honey" Her mom says. Emma walks out the room and shuts the door behind her and makes her way down the hall and the stairs.

Emma walks down the hall and into the living room and see's Hanna and Lucy on the couch watching TV. "Is she up?" Lucy asks. "Yep in the bathroom" Emma replies as she makes her way to the couch to sit on Lucy's lap.

"So, how are you gonna tell your parents?" Hanna asks.

"I dunno, maybe Emma's mom can help" Lucy replies.

"I'm sure she will" Emma says kissing Lucy's lips.

"So what did your mom say?" Lucy asks as their lips depart.

"She said she would be happy to go" Hanna says smiling.

"Great" Emma and Lucy say.

Emma's mom comes in the living room shortly after. "Hey, Girls what's up?" She asks. "Come, sit down" Emma tells her mom. Emma's mom comes to the Lazy Boy and sits down. "As you know Me and Emma wanna get married" Lucy starts. "Mhm, so?" Emma's mom asks.

"We were thinking about having the wedding this weekend" Emma finishes.

"With what money?" Emma's mom asks.

"The 34,000 that Lucy has" Emma says smiling.

"Where did she get this money" she asks.

"College money" Lucy says giving a nervous smile.

"Mhm, you don't  wanna go to college?" she asks.

"Uh. Not really I wanna get married" Lucy replies.

"Okay, then what time this weekend?" she asks before shifting in the chair.

"Saturday October 14" Lucy says.

"Okay, what time?" she asks.

"Um. About 3:30 pm" Emma says.

"Okay, I'll be there" Emma's mom says before getting up and leaving.

"That's it?" Hanna asks.

"I guess so" Emma and Lucy say.

"Well, I have to go my mom wants me home for something" Hanna says before getting up.

"Okay, see ya" Lucy says waving.

"Bye Hanna" Emma says smiling.

Hanna waves and then walks out the front door. The girls cuddle on the couch and watch reality tv shows listening to each other's heartbeats.

Emma falls asleep on Lucy's lap with her head on her chest. Lucy smiles and kisses her forehead then gently slides her body from Emma's. She then lays her down on the couch.

Lucy walks in the kitchen where Emma's mom is reading a book and drinking coffee. "Um. Can I ask something?" Lucy says walking to the table. "Sure, what's up hun?" Emma's mom says. "Um. I dunno how to tell my parents about the wedding, and I was hoping you could help me" Lucy says looking at the front cover of the book advoiding eye contact.

"Sure, I will take care of it hun" Emma's mom says.

"Thanks, so much" Lucy says looking at Emma's mom.

Emma's mom smiles and says "No problem" Lucy gets up from the table. "They will be home soon" Emma's mom says. "Okay, thanks for telling me" Lucy says as she walks out the kitchen and back in the living room.

She goes on the couch and lays next to Emma who is in deep sleep. She continues to watch the reality show she soon falls asleep too.

2 hours go by,

They wake up and go in the kitchen. Emma's mom is talking to Lucy's mom about the wedding. Lucy's mom looks at the girls as they walk in "I will go but i doubt your father will" she says giving the girls a smile. "See, told you" Lucy says.

"It's fine we will work it out" Emma says yawning.

"Okay, even if he doesn't go oh well" Lucy says.

"I will have a chat with him" Lucy's mom says.

They eat dinner and then Lucy's mom talks to Lucy's dad. "They are planning their wedding on Saturday at 3:30 pm and Hanna's mom is already going" Lucy's mom starts to say.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Lucy's dad asks.

"Um. I'm going too and I want you to come with me" Lucy's mom says.

"No, They are to young I wont take all part of this I'm not helping with setting it up or the money" Lucy's dad says in a harsh tone.

"You don't have to pay Lucy has her own money" Lucy's mom says.

"What money?" Lucy's dad asks.

"Her college money" Lucy's mom says.

"Mhm. What a shame she is gonna use her college money to pay for her wedding" Lucy's dad says shaking his head.

"Come on Jack just come for a few hours" Lucy's mom says.

"Uh. No Ellen I'm not gonna go to her wedding she is to young to even get married" Lucy's dad says.

"I'm gonna give you some time to think it over I don't have time to fight" Lucy's mom says.

Lucy's dad shakes his head and shifts in his seat. Lucy's mom walks away to tell the girls "I just talked to your father Lucy" She says. "Okay what did he say?" Lucy asks. "He was mad but I will give him time to think it over" Lucy's mom says. "Okay thanks mom" Lucy says. Lucy's mom walks away and goes to her bed room. "Hopefully he will come" Emma says. "Good night girls" Emma's mom says "Night" the girls say.

The girls go in Lucy's room and they cuddle on Lucy's bed. They listen to each other's soft breathing Lucy strokes Emma's hair while her head rests on her chest. "Good Night babe" Lucy says. "Night" Emma replies as Lucy wraps her arms around Emma's body. The girls drift off to sleep.

A/N- One more chapter left!

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