"Hey, screw off," Elizabeth snapped.

"Excuse me?" Ms. Ashburn took her focus off of me. "Must I write you another referral, Jacobson? That sort of language is not welcome in a school."

"What, you're going to try to restrict my freedom of speech?" Elizabeth argued.

"E-Elizabeth, you don't need to--" I tried to interrupt, but she spoke up yet again.

"Don't tell me you haven't left an assignment at home on accident," Elizabeth said, "because I absolutely refuse to believe that."

"This isn't about me," Ms. Ashburn said, "it's about her, and you have no place--"

"It's sad when the teacher bullies the quiet kid because the quiet kid won't say shit," Elizabeth said.

They went back and forth until Ms. Ashburn finally sent her outside. If anyone knew how to get under her skin, Elizabeth was the one. She could very well be the reason Ms. Ashburn was considering an early retirement.

* * *

At lunch, I realized that my sketchbook was missing and gasped. Elizabeth looked at me.

"What's up?" She asked. "Inquiring minds want to know."

"My sketchbook," I said, my eyes widened in horror.

"Do you think you left it at home? You left your history homework, so it's a possibility." Elizabeth placed her hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"No, I never leave without my sketchbook." I said, panicking. "I think it fell out of my backpack, Elizabeth."

"Calm down," she said, "we'll retrace your steps."

She walked with me back to my locker. I looked inside of it only to find the textbooks I put inside of it.

"Elizabeth, what if someone sees it?" I asked, anxiety at sky high levels.

"What the hell do you think they're gonna say?" Elizabeth said. "You're a great artist. They'll probably see your name on it or something and put it in the lost and found. No big deal. I know you will find it, Michaela."

"I hope I do." My heartbeat was quickening rapidly. I felt that if it continued, my heart would explode out of my chest and I would die. At this point, I wished for it to.

"Chill out, Michaela," Elizabeth said. "If they see your artwork, it's not a big deal."

It was not the quality of my art I was self conscious about; it was what I drew. I had noted some of Derek's qualities as well as some romantic dialogue in the pictures and the fact that he was my ideal boyfriend. I also would draw Ben with me. If it wasn't obvious that I liked Ben before, it would be to whoever looked through my book.

We saw a crowd of people looking at something.

"Is there a fight?" Elizabeth asked.

We looked into what was going on. As we investigated, I wished desperately that it was. But what we found was so much worse...

Isis had my sketchbook.

"Oh my God," she scoffed, "Michaela's even more awkward than we thought! Look, she made up a dream boyfriend."

Everyone's eyes turned toward me, judging me. My worst nightmare had come true.

"And she drew Ben!" Brenda noted. "Michaela, don't cheat on your fictional boyfriend! He's the only one who would ever love you!"

Ben was in the crowd. He looked at me with a confused look on his face, probably seeing the pictures where I kissed him or Derek. His stare burned into me like a cattle prod. I bet he thought I was weird.

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