A Game I Used To Play

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"Good Morning Class" 

She greeted them with a smile. A smile that seems to capture your soul. A living picture of a person, showing that there are many ways to make you happy inspite of every pain.

"Good Morning Miss A." they greeted her in chorus.

She wanted them to call her Miss A, instead of Professor, or Ma'am.  For her, it's like simply cutting off the bridge that binds them.

"For those who are not called on the previous days,  I have set another Exam for you, another activity for the remaining Twenty."

"Miss A, we are preparing for our piece" gone was their cheerful aura as they complained in dismay.

"Life is also more of surprises, be prepared always for any consequences and circumstances that may transpire in every road you take." 

" Miss A, we share the same thoughts" Airah San Sebastian said, with a sad looking face.

"Things happened because it meant to happened, you are too familiar with that I knew. God let this things happen because He has other plans. A plan that is better than our plan." she said calmly as she sorted the remaining Index Card.

"For the remaining Twenty,  group yourselves into 5 members. count one 1-4 and regroup."

The students were counting and seated with their group mates. 

"For those who have already taken their exam, you will also participate in this activity. Everyone in this room will have a big role to play."

"This sounds exciting!" Lou giggled, gone was the sad face awhile ago. 

" Alright stay with your group mates. Spectators stay on the other side, those who have already taken the exams. You are considered as one group."

"I wonder what's on her mind this time" Tatsumi asked Clevon.

"What's new? but I'm sure this is one great experience again." Clevon said.

" This activity is called The game I used to play." she said happily.

"Whoa, I'm beginning to like it." Kruzhen were clapping his hands and cheered.

" For the mechanics, I will give you an example. When I started playing online games, I kept on asking myself what's the use of playing all of these. The answers to all of the questions in my head seems a big resounding  NONE. But when I played War Commander, it captures my interest." 

They all listened to her attentively. They didn't even know she has this side. They thought she was a bookworm. As they kept on seeing her, reading a book. Even with her free time in School.

"In playing War commander, you Have to build your Main base, in order to do that, you have to  eliminate the enemy first before you could get the base for your own. Once you got the base, you will start to build resources, Metals and Oil. Every building, every vehicles air and land, every platoons and every repair will cost you a metal and oil with a corresponding amount. You need to upgrade every building to get stronger. You need to eliminate the enemy base to get medals and rewards. In the long run of playing you will encounter Allies. The one that could help you in destroying enemy base stronger than you, and in return you will also help them back. There are also enemies that have Allies too. You need to be stronger, better and use your intelligence in playing, to win over the enemy. The game is about Will, determination, courage and friendship. To compare this in our daily lives our main base  is our home. Our enemies are our weaknesses. Our allies are our parents, friends, and love ones. Other enemies might be other people who were trying to get in our way and make us fall and broken regardless of any circumstances coming along the way. In order to win in this life, you need to become stronger, better and courageous enough. Be responsible in everything you do."

She captures their interests now as they all started to think what is their activity all about.

" The group will choose a game you all used to play. Combine it all to make a new game and compare it with life. Each member has to explain in this class why you choose that game and the relevance of it in your life,and the chosen leader will explain the new game and compare it with life using the spectators to represent the building or the characters  in your new game."

"Whoa Awesome." they all exclaimed.

"Spectators I'm hoping for your cooperation."

" Aye Aye Captain." they all cheered.

This is one of the best thing for her Students, She keeps on thinking how to teach them and how she can capture their interests. She is making sure that they will learn more about real life situations. For her learning is not all about high grades in any Subject, its also about learning how to win in every life's situation, in every life's struggles. 

Life is like a game, if you can't handle it better, you will be defeated.


Life Has Many Faces ( Published Under Le Sorelle Publishing)Where stories live. Discover now