The All Star and the Idol

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Her goal was in sight. One corridor. Only one more corridor. A lengthy one at that but compared to the rest of the academy, it was hardly a struggle to overcome. It wouldn't be long now. She'd been walking for ages. Once she'd done what she needed to she could finally-


No! Not now! I need to just ignore it!

Her steady pace faltered only slightly when she turned her head towards the location of the shrill scream. It didn't come as a surprise.

Large pink hearts were painted on the pale rose double doors in a way that some found inviting and others obnoxious. Peko was the latter.

Who else would be in the nurse's office than the Ultimate Nurse herself? A shy, whiny woman with a tendency to trip and fall in all kinds of situations.

One of those situations happened to be taking place right now.

Peko didn't have time to intervene though. Not that she did before but now she really didn't have time. Judging by the length of time it took her to get from the dojo to outside the Nurse's office, it wouldn't be a stretch to say she had under 10 minutes to complete the task assigned to her.

Without a second thought, Peko raced towards her intended goal.

No time to stop. I need to keep going.

Peko felt as if her legs weren't hers anymore. As athletic as she was, will seemed to be the main factor of her alarmingly increased speed.

And alarming it was.

A pair of wide blue eyes met her own. Their pale yet deepness contrasted the intense fire of Peko's eyes. They were mesmerizing yet eerily captivating. Typical of the Ultimate Pop Idol.

What she was doing in the trash room of all places Peko didn't know. At least, not until she spotted the fiery red hair of boy next to her.

If she didn't know any better, Peko would've assumed he was some form of musician, based on his current company and his sense of style that mirrored Ibuki's. He wore range of piercings, rings and other jewelry that screamed 'rebellious behaviour'. His most noticeable feature, however, was his bizarre and brightly coloured hair that resembled a flame; dancing madly with each movement he made. Peko almost expected it to blow out the second a draft swept through the corridor.

She'd often see the baseball player around the area. Always throwing anything from school papers to leftover snacks over the gates, turning the machine on or off. She'd never even spoken to him before but his skill became quite apparent when she first picked up on this habit of his.

"Hey you! What's was that about?" He questioned. She'd been so caught up in her hurry she'd completely forgotten how odd she must've looked.

How on earth must I have looked? Sprinting down corridors at such an immense speed. No wonder the singer looked so startled.

"Dya need me to throw somethin' in the trash for ya?" He spoke for the second time, bringing her back to reality.

"No. I will do it."

Her usually calm voice took on a more panicked tone but the baseball player didn't seem to notice.

"What is it, anyway?"

"What's what?"

"The trash. What is it?"

He stretched out his ringed index finger and pointed at the scrunched up piece of paper in Peko's hand.

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