"I asked who you are and what you're doing here," Tadashi said, his voice firm, his expression echoing the tone of his voice. There was decidedly something odd about this pair and how they'd appeared in his lab. There had to be some kind of trick to it. And if there was a trick, that meant they were potentially dangerous. He had to know.

The man cleared his throat. "Yes. Well, I suppose it's only natural for you to have questions," he replied as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "If a strange man with a blue box appeared in my lab, I know I would. But try not to be alarmed. I'm the Doctor and I'm here to help."


Honey Lemon looked at the clock, wondering what was taking Tadashi so long. She knew he had to go to his lab and get a few things, but he hadn't been very specific about how long it would take. And his aunt was still busy with the cafe downstairs. She paced the floor in front of Hiro's bed, wondering if she shouldn't go downstairs.

Just as she began to head towards the landing, Hiro began to mumble in his sleep. It wasn't the typical kind of sleep-talk, sounding more like a nightmare. Hesitantly, Honey moved towards the bed to see Hiro start tossing and turning as he moaned.

She reached out a hand to touch his arm, hoping that small amount of contact would bring him out of whatever dream he was in. But it didn't. Instead, she felt skin that was far too hot to be normal. She glanced over at Baymax's case, debating with herself. Tadashi had told her not to activate the robot. She wasn't sure why. But if Tadashi said not to, there had to be a good reason.

"No," Hiro said as he rolled to one side, pulling the quilt with him. He was sweating enough to make his hair damp. And his breathing came in short huffs of exertion.

"Hiro?" Honey called out, not sure what to do in this situation. "Can you hear me?"

But Hiro didn't respond to her voice. Instead, he continued to groan, occasionally mumbling something she couldn't understand. And he wouldn't stop moving, even when she moved to restrain him. This continued for several minutes, with Honey trying to wake the boy without any success.

Just as she was about to go call for help, Hiro sat up, his eyes wide open. "Tadashi! Tadashi!" he called out frantically. "No!" Tears rolled down his face and the Latino student couldn't find it in herself to abandon him for even a moment.

Not sure what else to do, Honey Lemon moved onto the bed and took Hiro into her arms, holding him as tightly as she could, despite his continued attempts to flail around. "It's okay!" she hushed, hoping her voice would soothe him back to complacency. "It's okay, Hiro! Tadashi's coming. He'll be here soon!" She just hoped she was telling the truth.


Tadashi stared at the two obvious foreigners in his lab. The metal rod in his hand hung uselessly in front of him simply because he wasn't sure how else to react. He wasn't a violent person by nature, and, so far, the two strangers hadn't made any threatening moves.

"You're Tadashi, right?" The one who'd called himself the Doctor asked. "Tadashi Hamada? You have a little brother named Hiro?" He held out his hand in a placating gesture as he took a step or two closer to the college student.

The question seemed to shake Tadashi back into the present. "How do you know my name?"

The Doctor paused as he held his other hand out in a placating manner, almost as if he wasn't sure how the college student would respond. "I'm not going to hurt you. As I said, I came to help you. Well, to help you and your brother, actually. You see, things have gotten into rather a mess and I'm doing my level best to try and fix things, but I can't do that without your help. So why don't you put that pole down and we can talk."

Control Alt Delete (A BH6 crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें