Chapter Twenty Eight

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-Savannah's P.O.V-

I heard a loud noise that sounded like ringing. I slowly opened my eyes and seen that it was the alarm clock. Shit! I thought to myself as i looked down at my exposed body. "Edward. Wake up! We have to get ready to meet Mason!" I shouted and shook my naked partner who muttered in German gibberish. I love when he speaks in his native tongue but I couldn't get distracted by his irresistible self. The German finally sat up and looked at me. "Guten Morgan liebe." He said with a sleepy smirk. I blushed and leaned in to kiss him, putting a hand on his chest.  "Want to shower with me?" Edward asked, looking up from under me. "Yes baby." I laughed and slid off him and out of the bed. I felt his eyes on my back. "Well? Come on." I said as I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stuck my hand into the warm water and waited for it to get the right temperature.

-Tank's P.O.V-
I took a long swig from my cigar and sighed. Last night was horrible... I couldn't believe myself... Mason is a nice guy but I ain't gay. Sexual urges suck when you haven't had any for several decades... I need to lay low for a while... I thought to myself. Just then there was a knock on my front door. "Come in!" I said with a shout. The door slowly opened and it was Nikolai. The Russian man entered and closed the door behind himself. "What brings you to my home commi?" I ask with a bit of a slur due to being hung over. "Why the long face, da?" He asked with concern. I shake my head and take another swig. "I need to get laid. It's been way too long..." I mumbled and crossed my arms. Nikolai starts to laugh. "Ahhh same comrade." I looked at him with a smirk. "Do you think Mason would let us go to a strip club?" I said, chuckling quietly. "Sounds like a plan."

-Mason's P.O.V-
I brushed my wet dark brown hair and sighed. The memories of last night came flooding back. My head was pounding from a slight hangover so I quickly adjusted my towel around my waist and made my way into the kitchen to grab some ibuprofen. I looked at the clock which read 8:00am, great... an hour before Savannah and Richtofen show up. I said with a smile. I walked into my bedroom and opened the closet door to look for a clean uniform. Usually I am good about my laundry and upkeep up my home but I've been slacking lately with everything that's been going on.

~Time skip brought to you by a crawler~

-Richtofen's P.O.V-
I looked over at my fiancé with a smile. She looked back at me and gave a quick, tight squeeze of her hand in mine. "Ready my love?" I asked her and squeezed her hand back. Savannah nodded shyly and hid her face against my chest. I raised my fist and lightly knocked on Mason's door. To my surprise, he quickly opened it with a warm smile to greet us. "Come in, I've been expecting you two."
I walked in, leading Savannah by the hand. He motioned us to come sit at a dining room table. I pulled a chair out for Savannah and waited for her to be seated before I pushed it in. I then proceeded to take a seat beside her.
Ten minutes passed by while we were talking about wedding plans and arrangements and that's when Savannah started to laugh. "Why are you laughing my liebe?" I asked with curiosity in my eyes.
She shook her and smiled. "I just can't believe we are getting married finally." I smiled back and kissed her hand. Mason stood up and clapped his hands together. "alright looks like we are all done here! I'll see you two later on." He said with a smile as he showed us the door.


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