Chapter Sixteen

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*Lindsay's POV*
I watched television waiting for Albert. As I was surfing through the channels, the news channel was on. There was screaming and glass being shattered along with moaning and gunfire. "What the?.." I mumbled quietly to myself. The doorbell rang and Albert was standing at the door. "Hey Al... Can you come here for a minute... There is something wrong..." I pointed to the television and Albert froze up. "Oh god no!" He shouted. "I thought it was over!" He looked around my living room. "Lindsay, it isn't safe here. Come back to my friends house." He said quickly tugging my hand. "Let me pack first!" I said in a hurried voice. I raced upstairs and grabbed my clothes, pictures of my family, and my gun before coming back downstairs. I got into Albert's jeep (which was really savannahs) and he drove us to a luxurious log cabin in the woods.

*Albert's POV*
I drove into the garage and shut the garage door. I quickly opened the door for Lindsay and helped her with her things and getting inside Savannahs house. "EVERYONE COME TO THE LIVING ROOM!!!" I shouted hopefully everyone was awake. One by one, my housemates began to file into the living room. I turned on the television and scrolled to the news showing what appears to be zombies. "Its happening again..." I rasped.

*Savannah's POV*
"Its happening again." Albert spoke in a serious tone. "I know something wasn't right. This is why you all came back... To save us from destruction again..." She spoke looking at everyone except Lindsay. "I hope the green run team can make it here soon... We need all the help we can get to save everyone who isn't already dammed."

*Tank's POV*
"Allright the meatsacks are back to die!" He cheered, clearly showing he was up for a fight. There was a knock at our door and I answered it. "Hello, we need you all to come with us immediately." I seen their badges and nodded. "What for?" Savannah asked shyly. "Government required top secret mission." I looked at her and nodded. "Give us time to pack up and we will come." Savannah spoke to the gentlemen and invited them into our home.
*To Be Continued!!!*

War Begins AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora