Chapter Twenty Four:

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-Takeo's P.O.V.-
I looked at everyone around the table. Savannah, Richtofen, Albert, and Lindsay were missing from the table and no one seemed to notice. "Where are they?... Tank do you know?" I asked the American who was sipping on beer. "They went to go get the weasel and the girl." He responded. He handles his booze well... Much better than Nikolai.

-Lindsay's P.O.V.-
I put my red dress on and brushed my hair out. "Al, hurry up, they are expecting us." The man in question was struggling to tie his tie. "Come here. Let me help you with that." Albert walked over to me and I helped him with his tie. "Now let's go!"

-Savannah's P.O.V-
I slipped on a long sleeved aqua dress and black cowgirl boots. I could never walk in high heels or flats. Edward was looking at me and smiling. "Edward?" I grinned and walked over to him. "You look very beautiful mein liebe." I nodded and stood in front of the German scientist that I called my fiancé. "You know... You vould look beautiful in a vedding dress..." He smirked and winked at me. "You're making me all squirmy and tingly inside!" I wined and giggled. "Gute. Ve need to get back to zhe ozhers liebe." I nodded and he offered his arm and opened his umbrella before we walked back to the dining hall.

-Nikolai's P.O.V-
"Dammit where is the food?! Nikolai is hungry!" I shouted and banged my fists against the table. Everyone grew silent when Savannah, Richtofen, Lindsay, and The Weasel walked in and sat down. "Sorry we were late... I couldn't pick out what I wanted to wear..." Lindsay laughed. "Yeah. I know..." Savannah shot back at her with a smirk. I watched the two girls closely before taking a small sip of vodka.

-Mason's P.O.V-
I watched the servers bring everyone food out. "I've called everyone here because we need to discuss battle strategies for the undead and the wedding for Dr. Richtofen and Savannah." Everyone gasped and I turned my attention to the German and the girl. "What day and when?" I asked and they looked at each other. "Soon as possible but not tomorrow... I'd like to at least be fully prepared and not rushed." Savannah said and Edward agreed. "Okay. We will get planning." I smiled and everyone started eating.

-Six more chapters to go!!! What do you think Richtofen and Savannah's wedding will be like? Will Mason tell Tank how he feels? Will Takeo bring honor to his family? Is Albert and Lindsay ever going to go on their date? These questions will be answered in upcoming chapters!!!!-

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