Chapter Fourteen

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Richtofen's P.O.V
I watched as the doctors in the ICU inserted the IV into my fiancés hand vein. She cried like a baby and I couldn't help but feel like I was about to shed a tear as well. It hurt me terribly to see her in so much pain. "Excuse me sir, may I speak with you privately?..." A doctor pulled me aside into the hallway. "Listen your fiancé is pregnant and suffering from DKA." I nodded and listened to the doctor. "Vhat does zhis mean?... For both of zhem?" I asked nervously. "It means you are a father and your fiancé hasn't been taking care of her diabetes..." What!? She had diabetes?!? I didn't know! I felt hurt and shocked that she didn't tell me or anyone else... Was she ashamed of it?... "Okay... How can ve fix her?..." I asked, my voice straining with stress. "Do to her condition... We have to keep her here and monitor her." I nodded and looked back to the sliding door. Should I yell or be supportive?... I thought to myself before following the doctor back in. "Mein Liebe you are pregnant... And apparently you had diabetes.... Vhy didn't you tell me? I vouldnt judge you for zhat if you vere ashamed...." I grabbed her hand that wasn't hooked up with the IV and squeezed it. "Because I didn't  want a lot of people to know... I know it sounds stupid but I wait until y'all go to bed before id take my medicine so you wouldn't know..." She looked up at me with weak and puffy eyes. "I don't care if you have a medical problem! I zhought I lost you!" I shouted at her more worried for her than angry. "I'm sorry I shouldn't yell at you... I am just vorried is all... I'm vorried for both of you..." I brought her hand to my face and kissed it. "Edward... I don't think I'm ready to become a mother..." She whispered faintly. I blushed and smiled. "You do a vunderbar job vith zhe cat..." She chuckled a little bit and sighed looking at her stomach. "I also don't want to get fat..." Her pale lips formed a frown. "I understand Liebe." I crawled into the bed beside her and held her tightly. "Ich Liebe dich. Gute nacht." I whispered into her ear as we fell asleep in our Halloween costumes in the hospital bed.

*So what did y'all think?????*

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