The Rise of Lin Chung

Start from the beginning

"No. But we do have a very important task for you." Sonya set her bowl down. "Do the dishes on your way out."

Suddenly noodles covered Sonya's face along with some rice.

"Oh, alright. Good thing my bowl is already clean." Kawloon smirked.

"I call dibs on a face hit!" Cosima yelled as she grabbed a bowl, chucking it at the second squad member.

The meeting room turned into a war room. Food was flying everywhere. All five combatants were covered in food as a large ball slammed through the roof.

"Alright, who threw that?" Mighty Ray looked at the others.

"First Squad, we must find out who is attacking us!" Apetruelly's voice came over the intercom.

"First Squad, deploy!" Mr. No Hands yelled.

Cosima shoved the boy aside and jumped down Lin's chute. Sonya was to her left and Kawloon hadn't landed on her other side yet, so Cosima turned his turtle around.

"Oopps." Cosima smirked as they were launched, Kawloon going backwards.

The six raced towards the volcano cannon, Apetruelly flying above them. He landed a distance away and was carrying a large diamond.

"Chameleon Queen! Please consider this as an offering of peace!" Apetruelly offered the gem.

"Hm.. Peace... Let me ponder." High Roller spoke from atop the large reptilian. "Pondering over, kill them all!"

Mighty Ray made the cannon explode and looked as Apetruelly was picked up by the tounge of the Chameleon giant. The Chameleon army was unleashed as High Roller walked to talk with Apetruelly.

"How do we get through and save the commander?" Sonya looked at the approaching army.

"As a team." a voice came from behind and everyone looked to see Lin Chung.

"Lin!" Cosima jumped off her turtle and hugged him.

"Yeah, you're too late. I've got this handled." Kawloon waved Lin away. "Go on back to whatever cave you crawled out of."

"That's it. Big Green is planning a memorial for you." Cosima lit her hands and sprung at the boy.

"Cosima. Enough. We are not each others enemies. We have to save Apetruelly." Lin sighed.

"You're lucky that Lin saved you." Cosima growled and stood.

"I need a clear shot to the Commander." Lin spoke.

"You heard him First Squad. Make a hole and make it wide!" Mr. No Hands ordered.

Sonya and Mighty Ray quickly got to work. Jumpy and Kawloon stayed by eachother, taking out several chameleons. Lin and Cosima paired up, each working together to make an opening in the chameleons.

"Go, Lin. This is as wide as the hole is getting." Cosima growled as she fired at more chameleons.

Lin ran off and first squad followed to make sure he didn't get hit from behind. The squad focused on surrounding High Roller, and succeded after knocking down a few enemies.

"Surrender!" Mr. No Hands flew in from above.

"And miss Lin Chung and Apetruelly be turned into lava soup?" the boy laughed before riding the Chameleon Queen's tounge down.

"I'm going to kill that boy one day and not feel an inch of regret." Cosima sighed and felt the tounge move beneath them.

Suddenly, the tounge retracted and everyone on it, fell to the ground. Cosima looked and saw Lin landing nearby with Apetruelly beside him.

"We did it." Mighty Ray cheered.

"You won nothing!" High Roller yelled, appearing from nearby.

"Says the loser." Cosima laughed.

Two orbs of light came from the forest behind High Roller. One was blue, and the other red. Cosima looked and stepped back in fear.

"What are those?" Sonya asked.

"Those are evil. Stay back." Cosima warned.

"The legends are true..." Apetruelly looked in awe as the orbs came together to form one being.

"Oh esteemed Twin Masters. It wasn't my fault this time!" High Roller groveled.

The being, Twin Masters, swatted High Roller away like an annoying fly. Cosima backed up, trying to conceal her identity.

"I know you're there, Cosima." Twin Masters growled. "You can't hide."

"Wait, you know this being?" Lin looked at his friend.

"Unfortunately. Let's get off this topic and onto a new. Here, I'll start. OH MY GOSH, EVERYONE, IT'S TWIN MASTERS!" Cosima exaggeratedly pointed and stepped back even further.

"Shut up!" The red and blue being snapped, shooting the girl with red and blue energy.

Cosima yelled in pain and quickly fell silent. Twin Masters turned back to the rest of first squad, an orb of flashing blue and red light in his hands.

"This volcano is set to erupt. Big Green will be blamed and we will revel in the chaos that reigns!" Twin Masters threw the orb into the volcano before disappearing.

"Cosima, explain!" Might Ray looked to the silent girl.

"There's no time. We have to stop that eruption." Lin bent down and began glowing purple. "Yaksha, sling shot!"

Cosima watch Lin, fearing the purple energy around him. The grey haired boy was launched into the volcano and Cosima watched as he jumped out and the volcano fell into nothing. Purple crystals were left in place of the volcano.

"Your actions today were very brave Lin Chung. And for that, I make you First Leader of First Squad!" Apetruelly cheered.

"I won't let you down." Lin bowed and looked at Cosima.

"Good job." Cosima smiled.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Lin nearly growled.

Cosima's smile disappeared as she looked down. The entirety of First Squad was glaring at her, keeping in mind of the recent arrival of a new enemy that resembles their teammate to a new level.

"I guess I should start from the beginning..." Cosima sat down and looked up at the sky.

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