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"Why are you still here Jacelle? I mean I am probably the worst guy in your eyes right now. You have worked for me for less than a week and I have come home drunk with girls, and just brought a bunch of drama in your life."

I continued to look at him, it was finally a time where I could tell him why I had to do this job and why I couldn't leave.

"I need money, you need a clean house, and that's about it. You are just living your life like I'm trying to live mine."

I decided against telling him details, he would just pity me like everyone else did in this world.

"Seems simple enough but why do you need money? I mean obviously you aren't in university."

I wanted to scream to him that I had to give up university because I had to pay stupid hospital bills, but I couldn't.

"Everyone needs money in this day and age, and if you are looking for details then you hired the wrong girl. We are just business acquaintances, not best friends for life. Now speaking of business I need to get to work so please stay out of trouble."

I walked out of the living room and went up the stairs, I started cleaning and cleaning just trying to get out my emotions. I had no reason to be mad or to get frustrated I just was. Maybe the fact that for once in my life I had to act like the grown up, I couldn't depend on anyone anymore, I missed home and missed my dad and I missed my mom.

"Jacelle are you alright? You seem to be scrubbing a little hard."

I looked behind me and saw Louis standing in the doorway like he seemed to do a lot.

"Yeah, I am just dandy. Just trying make sure that this house is in tip top shape."

"C'mon. we are going out."

I looked at him like he was crazy, didn't the doctor tell him that he was not under any circumstances aloud to drink.

"You are not allowed to go out, and I wouldn't go out anyway."

"We are not going to drink we are just going out for a nice dinner, I mean I barely see you eat."

"I have to clean the house and I'll make something like I usually do. Go out with someone else."

"You have the day off, and you are getting a reward for all your hard work."

Before I could protest he threw me over his shoulder, I screamed and punched him but he didn't budge. How did he just come out of the hospital? I mean he was carrying my fat butt around, he finally set me down in my room.

"Get changed into your nicest clothes, we are going out tonight."

"It is not like a date, it is two acquaintances going out to the same restaurant while sitting at the same table."

"Whatever you say, plus can't I ever take a girl out without intentions of making her mine?"

"From what I have seen you cannot take a girl out without evil boy intentions."

He just laughed at me, and closed the door. I cannot believe that I was getting dressed up to go out with Louis. I mean I knew he wasn't as bad as I usually made him out to be it's just he was Louis, he should be going out with beautiful women who were well known not his personal housekeeper. I didn't have a choice though either I went with it or he would annoy me until I gave in.

I put on a simple black dress, and black heels. I combed out my hair and put on a little make up. I looked decent enough.

"Louis! I'm ready! Now let's get this stupid dinner out of the way."

He was wearing a nice blazer and pants with an undershirt. He looked nice especially his hair that was slightly pushed back.

"You look nice mister "I'm'_not_your_date_so_don't_touch_me""

"Are you seriously being sassy with me? And I never used those exact words, I just implied a lot of stuff."

"Whatever now let's go, I have a lot planned for us. Don&'t worry you will love your night out of the house."

He took my hand, I was a little hesitant but fighting with him was something I couldn't deal with tonight. He lead me passed my mother's old car to his sports car that had the nicest black paint. He grabbed the door and let me get in, I thanked him and he moved to his side. We drove in silence until we arrived at a fancy looking restaurant.

"Beautiful place isn't it? I really enjoy this place hopefully you will too."

"Yeah it is amazing looking and I'm sure I will learn to love it."

He once again took my hand, and then paparazzi swarmed us. Camera flashes basically blinded me, questions being yelled at us, I was scared.

We got in and we were taken right to the back so we wouldn't get bothered as much. Louis pulled out my chair and then he took his sit himself. He smiled at me, I gave an exaggerated smile right back at him.

"So how do you deal with all of this? The paps, the fans, the everything."

"After awhile you get used to it, if you are my housekeeper long enough you will learn to just deal with it."

I nodded and the waitress came by to ask us for our drinks, we both got soda. I scanned over the menu and found something random that sounded good enough. We eventually ordered and got our drinks, silence though fell over us.

"Hey Louis isn't that Elea?"

He turned around and saw Elea sitting with some random guy, they seemed to be pretty close. He looked at me and uttered the least expectant words that I have ever heard.

"Hug me when she looks over."

"What? What do you mean hug you Louis? You know I have standards...."

I was cut off when Elea looked over and Louis placed his strong arms around me.

It's complicated...(slow updates) *SRY*Where stories live. Discover now