memories of us

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"Harry, stop!" She giggles, as my cold hands sit on her waist.

"No." I mumble, smiling into her neck as I place more kisses on to her pale skin.

She moves back and smiles at me, her eyes glimmering in the light.

"You're gorgeous." I whisper, admiring her.

She smiles lightly.

"I love you." She replies.

"I love you too." 

I watch as she happily walks along the shoreline, her hands shrivelled up inside her coat sleeves and her eyes firmly on the crashing waves. Her hair is whipping around in all directions and she looks like a photo come to life. She looks magnificent. I don't notice as she turns to look at me and smiles, motioning for me to come towards her. I oblige and make my way to her, finding her hand in the warmth of her sleeve and lacing my fingers with hers as we continue the walk.

"I like it out here, it's quiet." She happily smiles.

"I only like coming here when you're here." I reply to her.

"Yeah? Why's that." She laughs.

"Because you make everything better."

She sits across from me, a slice of pizza sitting in her right hand and the remote in her other one. I watch as lifts the slice up to her mouth and takes a bite, her eyes reflecting the TV screen. She looks towards me and I laugh.

"What?" She laughs.

"You've got a little something." I giggle, pointing to my upper lip, indicating to her where it is.

"I do?" She grins, placing her fingers up to the smudge of tomato sauce on her upper lip but not quite getting it.

"C'mere." I chuckle, as she shuffles closer and I place my thumb to her lip and wipe it off.

"Thanks." She mumbles, placing her lips to mine.

"You taste tomato-y." I laugh.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" She smiles, replying.

"It's always a good thing when it's you."

"Why do I have to go Christmas shopping with you?" She groans, as we walk around the shopping centre.

"Because I need to get my mum something and I like any excuse to spend time with you." I chuckle, replying.

"Smooth." She replies, walking with me as our hands are typically interlocked.

We reach a jewellery shop and she lets go of my hand to look at something whilst I look for something for my mum, I notice her eyes light up at a necklace in the window. I walk to her.

"What're you looking at?" I question.

"That necklace." She nods to a necklace in the centre of the display.

It is a small crystal-encrusted, silver snowflake which dazzles in the light.

"It's pretty." I mumble.

"Yeah, it is." She smiles back.

"Open mine." I pass her my present for her.

"Okay." She chuckles, opening it carefully.

She grins, realising what it is.

"You got me the necklace?" She smiles.

"I got you the necklace." I confirm.

"You didn't have to." She longingly looks at the necklace.

"Do you know why I got it?" I ask her, as I take it out of the box and walk around her to put it on her.

"Why?" She mumbles.

"Because snowflakes are special, just like you are to me."

"You're cute." She chuckles, turning around and placing her forehead against mine.

"Not as cute as you." I whisper back, placing my lips on hers.

"Do you ever get tired of me?" She asks as I lay next to her.

"No, of course not-why would you think that?" I question back.

"Because, I mean-even I get tired of me, sometimes I wonder if-" I cut her off.

"I love you, I love you so much and I could never get tired of you or who you are, you're every bit as interesting as you are beautiful and you are smart and funny and gorgeous and make me happy and I love you, so don't ever think I don't."

She smiles at me, placing her hand on my cheek and gently running her thumb across my skin, "I love you."

"I love you, more." I reply.

"Not possible." She murmurs, closing the gap between us.

A/N these are all flashbacks/memories Harry is having, all will be explained in the next chapter:)

sorry for the slow updates, my exams are taking all of my time and away and I am just so super duper tired so yeah, apologies for that, I'm trying to catch up with whatever spare time I have

have a great day:)

(P.S I haven't proof read, sorry for mistakes)

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