9: Um Madora PT. 1

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He clicks his tongue and snaps.

"Shut up! Watch your attitude around me or else-!" I spin around and glare at him. "I'm not afraid of you..." I growl. He chuckles, "Oh yeah that's totally obvious with the tears staining your cheeks." He smirks. I turn back around and wipe my tears.

"Whatever you, pirate... I don't need to hear this from the likes of you!" I shout, not able to keep a some-what façade of calmness.

"Shut up! You're just a spoiled royal!" He shouts as me, I clench my fists and grind my teeth.

What did he know?! Nothing! No one else will know what kind of pain I had to go through...

"No! You're wrong! You don't know what I've been through!!" I shout back at him. He looked confused and slanted his eyes, "What-" Before he could finish I interrupted him. "I wasn't born royal! I was born in the slums and had to work for this life!!" I growl. Just thinking of how I was treated in Parthevia, it made me sick just thinking about it. I could feel a familiar wetness forming in my eyes.

"What... are you talking about...." He asks carefully. I scoff. "My brother has been through so much pain for the lives that we live today! He lost our father, and our mother! He'd lost many friends for the sake of Sindria... And, almost lost his life with that... He had to do that while dealing with the grief of our parents death..." I rub at my eyes to try to attempt to hide my tears. A pathetic attempt indeed. "..." He pursed his lips in a straight line.

"It was my fault... If I wasn't born, then maybe, my mother would still be alive..." I was sobbing now. My face flushed and voice unsteady. "..." He stared at me with a look of remorse, making me feel even worse for crying about it. But then all of a sudden I was pulled forward, pausing my tears from falling further down my face.

"It's not your fault..."


"It's, it's not your fault... I'm sorry, that I called you that..." He hugged me tighter as I continued to let tears fall onto his shoulder. "O-Olba..." Was the last thing I could say with a steady voice as I started bawling my eyes out soon after. It felt nice. It felt nice to be comforted while I had a moment. I didn't have to hide under my sheets or hide my thought nor true feelings in front of Olba. And for some reason, I liked being in his arms...


Olba was leading us to a 'dinner' with the leader, Um Madora. I was trying to think of a way to find Aladdin and get out of here fast.

But when we arrived, there he was, sitting at the side-end of the long table. "Aladdin!" I called out to him, I quickly made my way over to him and his eyes widened. "(F/Name)? What are you doing here?!" He asked concerned. I smile and wave it off, "I was taken as a hostage... but it's fine! I'll get us out of here!" Then Olba comes and sits at the end next to me.

I looked at all the other kids and they were all eating and laughing. Completely unaware that they've been brainwashed. "Eat up." Olba says. "Olba I was just wondering, how come the only people I see living here are small children?" Aladdin asks. "Take a look. Over there. They're the kids I brought in the other day. Before us, I bet they never had a square meal in their whole lives." He says. Aladdin and I look at them. They were skinny, dirty, and tired.

"And the rest of the kids here has exactly the same story, more or less. But now that they're here with Um Madora, they've learned the blessing of eating their fill and sleeping without a care in the world." Obla finishes. I frown and stare at my food.

"Um Madora!" The kids started calling out to her. Then she praised Olba, who laughed in joy. "Aladdin..." He was talking about the kids that he saw on the ship. And Olba spoke against him. And so did all of the kids.

Then a girl ran in and pointed towards the doorway.

"Trouble! The ship! -Our ship!" Then Olba and the other fighter kids ran out. I was about to as well but a bunch of kids tackled me to the floor. "Hey! Let me go!" I shouted at them. Then I saw Madora stand in front of me. "Come little princess, you should rest in your own room~ You can't fight anyway, I have your jewelry and your sword. You can have your jewelry when you learn, that Madora is your everything~" Then the kids tied my hands and dragged me to a storage room.

As they left I looked for a way to free myself. "Jackpot..." on a box, there was a sharp knife. I picked myself up onto my knees and started rubbing the blade onto the rope. It took sometime, but the rope broke. While it broke, the knife did cut me, it was kinda deep.

"Now, to find my metal vessels..." I get up while holding my bleeding wrist and look around in the storage room. I stumble upon a large crate with a glowing bag in it, I dig through and see my metal vessels. "Oh thank god!" I put them all on.

"Raum Faelyce" I used Stolas to heal my wrists then kicked the door down. I ran to where I saw Madora take Aladdin. Before I kicked down that door, I activated Orobas and weapon djinn equipped.

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