Part of the Group

29 4 7

Dedication to StarreDust for helping me edit what I already had done! Cx


"W- who are you?" I stutter my voice coming out in a shocked whisper. I hear a chuckle and then a click as the guy hangs up on me.

Freaking out I convince myself to get in pajamas and try to go to sleep. Thoughts keep running through my head about what is going on, and I can't rant to the one person who knows the stuff I do because I promised her I wouldn't snoop around the new kids business. She would be so upset if she found out, and on top of that the fact I had been caught. Hell No!

The last thing my mind registers before I fall asleep is my alarm clocks LED numbers reading 1:07 am


I wake up to sunlight coming through my window shining my face. I blink a few times, adjusting my eyes to the harsh light, then I see the time on my alarm clock, darting up I rush to get ready.

Wondering why my alarm didn't go off, just looking at its blinking numbers gave me the answer. My power went out sometime last night.

Earbuds in my ears I walk down the empty halls to my locker, just as I'm about to close my locker I catch a glimpse of the boys passing the corridor, looking up to absolutely no good.

Taking my earbuds out and quietly closing my locker, I follow them around the corner stealthily and almost don't make it out of the door before it closes, it grazes my hip with its cold metal edge.

I quickly and silently hide behind a car, Jack looks over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing on the car I'm hiding behind.

Crap.... He knows.... He knows... maybe I wasn't as stealthy and quiet as I thought...

Keeping my breathing steady and calm, I wait until I hear them start talking. Looking over the car I see someone new, that doesn't belong to the usual threesome. He's tall, about 6'0", grey shirt a hot looking leather jacket and dark jeans, his shoes just as snazzy as his clothes. He has sharp features, piercing blue eyes with dark lush brown hair that's falling just right. And his voice? Don't get me started, it's smooth, like if he asked for anything, anything, he would get it.

"- you boys are drawing to much attention to yourselves." He says deadly calm, face stoic. 

"What do you mean were drawing attention to ourselves? Tyler, We have literally done nothing!" Alex argues. Just as I think the situation might go wayward, the guy I'm now assuming is Tyler, smiles. It's a charmingly sarcastic smile, like he's thinking of something you would die to know.

"You can come out from your hiding spot," Tyler says smoothly. "I know you've been here since the start."

My heart stops.

Yeah I know and I've died........... what do I do?!!

I stand up but remain behind the car so I can have something between us if he decides to come at me.

"How did you know I was there, and why didn't you call me out before?" I question, putting up a brave facade, when deep down I'm shaking in my shoes, scared beyond belief.

"I was trying to prove a point to the boys," he nods his head to the group, then he looks at me giving me the once over, my face heating up as he scrutinizes me. "You are the girl who pulled up Jack's transcript last night, Vivianna Morrison, am I right?"

My jaw drops, this is the guy who called me last night?! Not what I expected, I kinda pictured some creeper, or FBI, not him! I gape just a bit longer and regain my composure.

"Yeah, I- You were the one that called me last night?" He simply nods a yes at my question.

What. Is. Happening?

"So she's smart, she's not freaking Sherlock, Tyler." Jack finally pipes in, his voice shocking me, not just because I've never heard him speak, but mostly because what he said.

"So you don't think I can reach Sherlock level of smart?" Oh no he shouldn't have started, here comes my ranting...

"Let me tell you something, I'm a freaking straight A student an almost perfect GPA, I can hack, I can pick locks, and I can crack almost any safe. I'm also very perceptive. You," I point at Sean. "are Sean Wilks, I didn't get much on you last night but I know this. Your the muscle of the group, the fighter, also you've got an attitude." 

I turn to Alex next. "You're Alex Stringer, the smart one, the tactical one, you plan everything to the second, and if it doesn't work you panic. You always have a plan. And last of all Jack Howster. The leader, the charmer, you can probably get anything you want just with a smile! You're from Boston, yet you are here and your family is there, why? You've got these eyes that don't miss a thing, and a raw energy and power is hiding just beneath the surface. your cautious, and high strung, also a huge jerk." 

My rant finally ends, I see Tyler has a smug look on his face, Jack just looks mildly pissed, Alex is impressed, and Sean is shocked, even though he's trying to hide it.

I stand there proud of myself for the responses, that's until Tyler speaks...

"That there, is why she's now a part of the group..."


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO What yah think? This chapter was a harder one to write, I didnt know if I wanted a confrontation yet or not, but I guess you know what I decided. 




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-- Julie Grace Cooper

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