A Quick Introduction

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Wynzl Xaklyr wasn't human. It was obvious, in her elven ears, and pale, light blue skin. In the white feathers that grew on her temples, and the small white feathered wings that grew on her ankles. And it was kinda hard to say that she was human, when she came from a space pod that crashed onto Kami's Lookout.

Born and raised by Kami and Mr. Popo, the girl was a quiet child, that didn't eat much. Her body basically ran on the power of the sunlight. But eating helped her recharge faster, plus gave her a little bit of a power boost.

The child had a love for fighting. Not in the sense of beating people up, or going to competitions and winning... but the girl thought that fighting was a healthy way to get out stress. Although, Wynzl really was never that stressed out.

Master Roshi came to the lookout and trained her when she was younger, but once she surpassed Master Roshi, Mr. Popo and Kami took over her training agenda.

Then she met Goku and the rest of the Z Fighters. One of them would come a least once a week, to train her. She had the most fun with Krillin, and Goku. They were laid back, but relentless when it came to fighting. When Piccolo joined the Z Fighters, he would start coming and training with Wynzl as well. Piccolo quickly became her favorite person to train with.

She came to think of all the Z Fighters as her friends. And when there was trouble, one would fly up to The Lookout, and inform her. She participated when the Saiyans arrived, and went to Namek, even.

She was not informed about the Androids, though.

Or about Cell.

In fact, it wasn't until they came to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber that she found out about Perfect Cell. She was curious. He sounded like an interesting individual.

So she went to visit him.

All the Z Fighters advised Wynzl against going. But once the woman had her mind set on something, there was no use trying to change it.

Flying over to the Cell Games Arena was long and boring, but Wynzl made use of the time, by making and singing a little song.

This story begins with Wynzl meeting Perfect Cell, and what occurs afterwards.

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