~ BRAD ~

He woke up in bed feeling really happy. It was as if nothing could ruin his day. Well, he was right - he's back in his own life, the life that he's satisfied with, and nothing could disturb him.

Except for the fact that Kath died, of course. He wondered how Connor felt.

To: Connor

Hey, I was just wondering if u feel any better. Remember that u can talk too me anytime u feel like it. B x

He shook his head sideways and cleared the draft he had. He turned his phone off and went to his bathroom.

He observed that Connor really took care of his body a lot when he lived his life. Brad also observed that his room was a lot cleaner than when he left it, but then it went back to its original state last night.

Speaking of last night, he was beyond excited to see his parents for the first time again in ages that he ran straight to the door and unlocked it with his key. He was disappointed when he saw that his parents and Jesse weren't there, so he just sat at the dining table alone and ate the slice of pizza he reheated in the microwave. When his parents came back with Jesse, he hugged them tight. He was very happy to see them. Jesse pounced over him, as well, and he loved it.

Today was a very happy day for him. He decided to put all of his troubles behind him and just enjoy what life has to offer him.

He grabbed the jacket that he, and Connor, that is, wore yesterday, and he observed that there was a note on its pocket. He grabbed the white piece of paper and opened it, until his phone rang.

He immediately grabbed it and hoped that it was Connor, but sadly, it wasn't, it was just an unknown number. He sighed and put the paper on his study table, then he went to school.

When he got to school, he saw that Tristan was on his phone, and he looked sad and worried. He got out of his car and went to his boyfriend.

"Hey babe!" He said a little happier than usual, hoping that it would cheer Tristan up, then they shared a small peck.

For some reason, Brad thought something was missing. He was sure that it's not because it was only a peck and that he wanted more, but it was something else.

It was the fact that he didn't feel a spark at all.

He knew deep inside that it would be very impossible for him not to feel a spark when he kissed Tristan. Maybe he was getting crazy. It had been ages since he has kissed Tristan, and maybe he missed the feeling so much that he just forgot how it's like to kiss him.

They both held hands and inside the school building. Brad held on to Tristan - he missed this life so much it killed him.


He woke up on his bed. He was unhappy not only because he wasn't a morning person, but also because he was unhappy. His best friend's not there to support him, he has a completely awkward relationship with his family, and he has to go to school, where he'll see Tristan and Brad and God knows who else. He got up from his bed and lifted the oversized duvet. He saw his guitar case still there and the notebook. He took the notebook and opened it.

He saw that after his last entry, someone wrote a note on it. He read it and he was surprised.

These poems are great. I think you should publish them ;) sorry I read them all without your permission, I hope you don't mind.

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