Chapter Two

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The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Yet I couldn't leave just yet. Mr Mecaine still had my studio art work.

"Sir, can I have my piece back please?"

"Oh, Charlotte. Yes, but make sure you..." I tuned him out, all he was doing was telling me what to do to my art, because he didn't get to do it himself.

When it looked like he was done, I walked out of the class with a groan.

"Char he can't be that bad." Isaac says, falling into step with me. His class was next door so he normally waits for me.

"Zac, he took over completely this time. I mean I don't even think anything on this canvas is mine anymore!" I huff showing him 'my' painting. "And you all wonder why I call him Mr Meanie."

I look at the canvas again, sighing.

"It was meant to resemble a fairy, with one leg folded under the leg that she is hugging to her chest. She is sitting at the edge of a lake, looking down and to the side. Her wings are clear with black accents and the rest of the colour scheme is with cool colours. It's meant to be a forlorn piece." I explain

"But he has changed it to a bright, jubilant piece. Using more warm colours. She is looking up smiling, and the wings aren't clear but have a rainbow of colours." Isaac states looking at what is on the canvas now.

Nodding, I place the thin canvas in my studio art folio.

"Well if it makes you feel better you only have a few more months left with him as your teacher." It was meant to come out as a statement but he said it more as a question with a shrug of his shoulders.

I just groan again and head over to the front of the school to wait for Luke so we can head over to my place for our Beauty and the Beast movie night.

"So did you want to come over today and we can talk about what we can do as a group?" Isaac asks as we stop at the front gate.

"Sorry, I can't tonight. Luke is coming over." I smile at him, knowing he will laugh when I tell him what movies we will watch. "I convinced him to watch the Beauty and the Beast movies with me."

"That poor, poor boy." He winks at me. "Alright, we can talk about it tomorrow then."

I'm about to give him a hug goodbye when I feel my phone buzz in my skirt pocket. I know it's the middle of winter but I refuse to wear the school uniform pants because the principal decided to have a logo on the pants and the teachers check to make sure. And the logo is on the right ass pocket.

Pulling my phone out I check the message from Lucas.

"Hey babe. Sorry can't come over tonight, coach wants us to do an extra practice tonight with finals coming up."

"That's okay. We can do that another time. You and Carter go easy on the young boys okay! Xx"

Smiling sadly at my phone, I turn back to Isaac.

"He bail?"

I nod. "Yeah, an extra training session for footy."

"I'm sure it won't go too late, you can still have that movie night." Zac offers a small smile.

Shaking my head I show him the text.

"My nights opened up again, wanna come over and figure out something to do? Maybe even watch a Disney movie or two?" I ask Isaac, going for an innocent puppy dog look for the last part.

Laughing and shaking his head, Zac swings his arm over my shoulder and starts leading us toward my place. Both of us have our learners but can't drive without someone with a full license in the car with us so I tend to walk home while Zac lives too far away so takes the bus.

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