Chapter 9

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Atel came in the room and remained quiet while I typed away on my computer with my back towards him.

“What is it, Atel?”

“Xania has just arrived.”

“Send her in.”

“She already is. I just thought I should warn you to get dressed before she enters your room.”

“I’ve already seen her naked. I think a bra and panties won’t matter.” she said, barging her way through the door. “Speaking of which, as much as I love seeing you half naked, why are you not dressed?”

I sighed. “Because I lost track of time trying to find information on this guy and I’m coming up short. I hate being unprepared.”

“You came all this way to find this guy and you have no idea who he is or what he looks like?” she asked.

“When someone shoots a little boy just to get a reaction from me, I don’t ask questions. I come and I kill.”

“I’d rather you just cum.” she smiled flirtatiously.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed. Just as soon as I did, Ioneos walks through the door.

“Hey, um, does this look okay?” He looked up and once he realized I was still in my undergarments his eyes opened wide.

“I’m sorry is there a party being held in my room that I was not aware of?”

“Why aren’t you dressed yet?”

“All I have to do is put on the stupid dress, my boots, strap up my gun and hide my knives and then we can go find this asswipe.” I said as I got dressed.

“Why would you need your gun and knives at a party?” he asked.

“We’re going to the party to find this man and kill him.”

“We’re not even going to ask why he did it?”

“Only question I’m going to ask is his name to verify if I got the right man. Then I kill.”

“But what if somebody sees you kill him? Wouldn’t that jeopardize your cover with your ongoing case?”

“True but my job is simple kill or be killed.”

“Do you have any remorse for this man or his family that you might be taking him from?”

I put in my last knife and walked up to him. “Did he have any remorse in shooting an eight year old kid? Did he even think about who he was taking that little boy away from?”

“Well, considering he’s an orphan, he has no one to care for him.”

I cocked my arm back and gave him one hard hit in his gut. He bent over. holding his stomach.

“Be that as a warning because it’ll be the last. I guarantee that.” I said before walking around him. “Let’s go! Lock up, Atel.”

“What the hell did I say?”

“You don’t joke about something like that with her. Especially, about those kids and not having anyone to care for them.”

“I was only being honest.”

“Regardless, even though it’s the truth, Mimi is very protective of those kids. She would die a thousand times than for any one of them to go through what she did. This is her way of dealing with things. Once it’s done, she’ll be back to her own pace.”

“And we do what? Just sit here and watch while we let her kill a man?”

“When Mimi works, she gets any information on the target and decides whether or not the target lives.”

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