Chapter 5

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I stormed into my Commander's office, completely ignoring the fact that he had company as he immediately stood up.

"Morelli, what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Maguire, I can't keep doing this undercover shit! He shot an innocent man in front of me! And then to make it worse he almost had Jerold, who is about the same age as your son, clean up his mess! That boy's face paled the second he laid eyes on the man's corpse and yet I had to sit there and show no emotion because that was how you trained me to be! I'm sick of it, Maguire! You promised me I wouldn't have to watch another innocent life die in front of me by the hands of that man! That I would be the one to kill him! I want him dead and I want him dead, now!"

He sighed and sat down. "Morelli, this is Daijirou. Daijirou, this is our finest agent, Agent Micah Evelyn Morelli."

I looked at him and recognition crossed my eyes. Ioneos.

I stared at him for a few seconds then my stare turned into a glare. His smile faded.

"An agent?" I pulled out my gun and was about to shoot him when Maguire yelled, "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna shoot him, that's what! I took him in last night as a favor to Ruby saying that I'd help him until he can get on his feet and he's been an agent this whole time?!"

He stood in front of him and held his hands up.

"If you think I won't shoot you to get to him, then you really need to rethink your strategies." I glared at him.

"Morelli, just listen. He's not an agent, at least not yet. I found him wandering the streets with the same look you had when I found you."

"Told you." Ioneos spoke out.

"SHUT-UP!" I spat. "So you automatically assume that we might be the same? How do you know you can trust him?" I kept my gun on them.

"You took him to your home."

"Yeah, so?"

"You never let anyone there. Not even Ruby."

"That's to protect her!"

"Mimi, put the gun down."

"Fuck you, Maguire! Don't talk to me like I'm twelve!"

"Just put the gun down."

"Oh for heaven's sake!" Ioneos walked around Maguire to me and fiercely placed his lips to mine. I was completely shocked that it took me a minute to process what just happened. Once it did, the outcome wasn't all that you expected.

I shot him.

He fell back and placed his hand on the side of his body. He looked at his hand then up at me, shock clearly written on his face. "You shot me!"


"What the fuck? Why?!"

"You shouldn't have kissed me, you prick!"

I walked out the room and out the doors, heading towards the gym.

Hours of sweating beading down my body and countless sparring partners later, I saw Ioneos walk through the doors. Whatever exhaustion I felt was gone, immediately. I signaled the next person to come onto the mat and continued fighting, only this time, I pictured his face.


Agent Stryker was showing me around Headquarters and we stopped in here for a few when he noticed Micah. She looked completely exhausted yet the second she saw me walk through the door, which I know she did, she pushed herself to continue fighting.

“Why does she keep pushing herself?” I asked him.

“You noticed that too, huh?” He sighed. “Micah is a piece of work but she isn’t a lost cause. She came here completely angry and despised anyone who came within a 5 foot radius of her. No one could touch her or she’d try to cut them or hurt them with whatever she could get her hands on. One time, she had a paperclip in her hand-”

I kept my eyes on her. I needed help and she was the perfect person to help me find the murderer of my family. She’s so much like me but in way better control of her emotions than I am. What happened to her that made her so angry that she’d want to come here to be an assassin?


I looked back at Agent Stryker and lifted a brow. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t try to hit on her or anything. It only ends bad for you. Trust me.”

“So, you both?”

“Not really. We both grew up here. We were friends but not friends. After a few years of getting assigned partners and training with her, I saw a small piece that was once Mimi, and I immediately fell for her. Hard. I tried everything to see that Mimi again and it never came back.”

“How long has she been here?”

“Since she was eight.”

“Eight?” I asked shocked. “What do her parents think she does?”

“Morelli’s an orphan. She witnessed her entire family get brutally murdered. Her mother made her hide in the closet behind some old things so she had no other choice but to watch. She was terrified and the second she saw the man’s face who was responsible for it all, she swore she would fear no more and get revenge.”

“But Maguire said revenge is not something they do here. That they just get the bad guys and hand them over to the government.”

He scoffed. “We’re a different kind of agency. We don’t handle government things like everyone else.”

I looked back at Micah. “What do you mean?”

“When they can’t find someone who is ‘Most Wanted’ or they do find someone and lost too many people trying to get them, they come to us.”

“Brute force?”

“That or we just kill them.”

My head whipped to him. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. Why do you think we train so hard? Any wrong move can kill us and ultimately leak us out.”

“What happens if you somehow survive but the company still gets leaked out?”

Agent Stryker dragged his pointer finger across his throat and looked back at Micah. I swallowed and nodded. I guess their life is really always on the line.

“Morelli!” Agent Stryker called out.

The guy she was fighting flipped onto the mat before she looked at us and raised a brow.

“You got a new assignment. Maguire says to see him.”

She bowed to the rest of the guys, grabbed her shirt and headed out the door.

An hour later, I sat down at “my assigned desk” and went through everything that just happened. They gave me a locker, clothes for combat training; they’ve taken measurements for a tailored suit to be made, took my fingerprints and scanned my eyes, and recorded my voice saying my pass code. And that wasn’t even half of it! I covered my face with my hands and sighed. Not two seconds later something whizzed passed by my head and hit the wall behind me. I looked back and realized it was knife. I whipped my head towards the door and glared at her. She had three more knives strapped up on her thigh and her hand was ready to throw another one.

“What the hell is your problem?!”


“I know you don’t particularly like me and I really don’t give a fuck but this shit is unnecessary.”

She raised a brow and I swore I could’ve seen a smirk but it was gone before it registered completely.

She crossed her arms. “Seeing as to how I’m assigned as your mentor until I deem you’re ready, I suggest you learn respect and to control your emotions. You won’t get very far with that temper.”

And with that she left. What the fuck?

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