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Jordan stared at Emerson as she slowly walked to the porch. As she came to the steps, she sighed and grimaced. Emerson sat her things on the ledge, then held her side while breathing heavily.

Jordan drew in a sharp breath at the sight of Emerson's condition. Her left eye was black and swollen, her lip was busted, and had a faint red, hand print on her cheek. He could only imagine what pain she was in, especially the damage done to the rest of her body that he didn't know about.

Emerson looked down at the ground, her boot kicking at the concrete. She sighed, and then looked back up at Jordan. For a moment, she admired his features.

His face was unshaven, leaving some facial hair. His hair tied up, and the pony tail poking out through the back of his hat. Jordan's hands were stuffed into his pockets of his jacket, and kicked at the ground as well.

Jordan looked up as Emmy began to speak. His heart broke over how broken her voice sounded.

"I-um, came to apologize. I'm sorry for leading you on, then asking you to forget the whole situation." Emerson apologized, her hands fidgeting in front of her.

Jordan sighed, "I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have ignored you. That was wrong of me."

"You were right about Hunter, Jordan. And I'm sorry about that too. I just wished I had listened and saw it earlier. He hit me a few times, and said a few hurtful things. I'm lucky that this is just it." Emerson explained, not going into much detail. She took a deep breath, tears coming again. "I know that it's too late, but I do like you too. Honestly, I can't stop thinking about that kiss. Every time Hunter kissed me, it was you that I was seeing; not him."

Jordan's lips curled into a small smile. Slowly, he managed to take a few steps in front of her.

Emerson blushed and looked down, only for Jordan to release a small chuckle. He brought his hand to Emerson's face, letting two fingers rest under her chin, and gently pushed her head up. Carefully, Jordan leaned down and gently placed his lips on hers.

Emerson couldn't help but to smile as the kiss progressed. It was like, for a moment she forgot about the pain.

Jordan pulled back slightly, earning a whine from Emerson's part. Once again, he released a chuckle

"It's not too late," Jordan whispered.

"Do you want to try?" Emerson asked, trying not to get her hopes up. However, that was a failure.

Jordan smiled, "Emerson King, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Emerson laughed quietly, but then groaned in pain. She nodded, "No. I would love too."

"C'mon. Let's get you inside," Jordan muttered.

Emerson shook her head, "No. I should really break up with Hunter."

"You can do that in the morning. Come on, let me take care of you." Jordan offered.

Emerson sighed, but a smile was playing her lips. "Fine."

Jordan moved his hand to behind her, grabbing her possessions off the ledge and stuffing them into his pocket. Then carefully placed an arm around her waist, and slowly guided her into the house.

His family stared at the two, mainly in shock. Jordan made eye contact with Ashton, and jerked his towards the stairs. Ashton quickly nodded and scrambled to get up.

Ashton followed the pair upstairs and to Jordan's room. Carefully, Jordan helped Emmy sit on the bed.

"Will you help her?" Jordan asked his sister, "She's probably more comfortable with you than me."

Ashton looked to Emerson, a sad frown coming to her face. She nodded, "Yeah. Of course."

Jordan scrummaged through his drawers, finding a pair of gray sweatpants. He quickly handed those to Ashton, then went to his closet. After finding a decent tshirt, he handed that to Ashton as well.

"I'll be out in the hall," Jordan mumbled.

The two girls nodded as Jordan and shut the door. Silently, Ashton carefully help Emerson stand up.

"What happened?" Ashton asked.

Emerson swallowed, "Hunter. He was angry, and hit me."


Jordan sat up in his bed, Emmy gently cuddled into his side. While being propped up on pillows, and having ice packs on her sides.

"What made him so angry?" Jordan asked.

"I, uh, asked him why we didn't cuddle, then about the Anna girl. He screamed at me, and then backhanded me, it got worse after that. He yelled at me. Saying that I was worthless, that I was unlovable, that I had no chance of living without him, he said that I slept with guys for money, that I was this awful person who just used him for money." Emerson explained, attempting to cuddle closer.

Jordan leaned down, kissing the top of Emmy's head. "You don't have to worry about him ever again."

"I'm gonna report it too. The world deserves to know what kind of man he is." Emerson whispered, suddenly getting tired.

Jordan smiled, enjoying the moment with her. "Get some sleep, baby." He murmured.

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