Chapter 6

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"Night!" Peppersneeze prodded him awake. "I need to give you some traveling hebs for the journy to the moon pool. Sunstar is waiting!" Night shook himself awake. "Okay. Give me the herbs and I'll eat them."

Duskpelt woke everyone up. "Sunstar wants is to build a thorn wall to protect our territory! She taught me how and I can show you guys. Sunstar wants half of it at least to be done before she comes back at Sunhigh tomorrow. Seems kinda easy to me but I don't know about you.We need to hunt too and when she gets back Sunstar will teach is how. And to fight!"

At the moonpool, there was a spiral path leading to a pool. "THIS is the moonpool? It looks like a puddle of water." Night told Sunstar. "It IS a puddle of water." She replied in a harsh voice. On the way here, he shared an idea with Sunstar about more friends joining. She did agree. Why not? There was only right cats right now. And besides, other clans were startimg around them. There was Breezeclan and Thornclan, too. Soon they would start gatherings, where all four, when the Fishclan leader made a clan. "Where are we gonna find more cats? We both found all our friends and they joined! Any ideas?" Sunstar asked Nightfur. "I think I know a loner or two. Oh! My sister, her mate, she has two 7 moon old kits and a 1 and a half moon old kit. They could join!" Night suggested. "Great idea! That would help the clan a lot. Thanks for the idea." Sunstar meowed. "No problem." he answered. "When we get back, you and I will rest. I will teach fighting and hunting to the whole clan and you and...... Shadowstep can go find your sister. Her two 7-moon-old kits will be apprentices, and she and her young one can move into the nursery! Her mate will be a warrior. They will be a great addition to our stormclan."

A shocking pain ran through Sunstar. How could receiving nine lives be so painful? A tortioseshell she-cat walked over to her. "With this life, I give you bravery." She whispered loud enough for her to hear. Another pain ran through her like a thorn. She had 2 lives now. She got another one for courage, loyalty, speed, endourance, skill, and love. The black Tom had said that dark times were coming in the season's and moons to come. She had gotten frightened. Well, at least now she knew. They could be prepared. She sighed. Why couldn't they make things clearer? Starclan sure was difficult.

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