Chapter One

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The floor was cold against her bare feet as she padded to the vending machine that was stored in her dormitory. Her room was only a few doors away anyway from the common area, so it didn't matter that someone might see her chipped sunset pedicure. Her hair was pulled up into a careless bun, spilling strands of brown over her freckled kissed face and moss green eyes. She donned an over large t-shirt that had the faded picture of a wolf howling with blue background and gray sweats that brushed against the russet wood floor.

"Damn it." She muttered while shaking the vending machine a little as it held captive her bag of mini oreos. "Please just drop it."

The only thing lit was the vending machine placed against the wall and dimly lit LED displays of a clock, microwave, and any lights seen just outside the first story window. It was her sweet tooth that caused her to drag herself out of bed almost one o'clock in the morning and the thought of her finals tomorrow. She couldn't sleep and it wasn't like she had a car at the moment to go a cruising. Guess she could go take a walk but with all this talk of freaks of the night devouring people... just thinking of it gave her shivers. She rubbed her arms, as if feeling colder and glanced around nervously as if the darkness would form substance. She was safe. This was safe. Everything was OK. She kept repeating the mantra in her head as she took one last glance at her hanging treat, kept at bay with a cruel silver hook, then fast-walked back to her room.

I am safe.


Finally, she was done with the last class of the day. Back to her dorm finally.

Outside there was a cooling breeze, the sun already setting painting strokes of gold, red, and orange in the clouds. It was beautiful to look at and despite of fear of the dark Ally found her feet leading to a bench just on the edge of safety. She placed her arms on the newly blue bench and stared out to the slowly fading sky.

There was once a time the sunset would promise fun and laughter, but not anymore. Well that was dramatic... Just not as much fun and laughter. As long as she stayed - they all stayed within the premises of the academy they were safe. But still... Ally's eyes drifted down to the park that was across the street. It was a good ways away, ten minute walk at least. There stood, underneath the thick canopy of trees, a figure with burning orange eyes. They were staring at her. They had to be. Ally rubbed her goosebumps arms and slowly got up, keeping her eyes on the figure.

"I am safe... I am safe... I am... I... Am." She mouthed to herself as she slowly made her way backwards. The figure watches, as if intrigued by her movements and then suddenly they were gone. Almost by instinct Ally turned around and ran. Behind her there was deep growling, fading as she ran back to where she felt the safest. Though, no matter where she goes on the premises she was safe... everyone one was.

"Hey, wait!"

She froze. There was plenty of "freaks of the night" that talked. Pretty much all of them did. Ever since that... event she has always been under a ward way before dusk. Even protected by a ward she has never been outside when dark too long. Today was somehow an exception. Ally lost track of what time it was and how dark it would be. She stood frozen to the spot, grass tickling her feet as she heard footsteps approach. They stopped far away that she knew they were at the line of safety.

"I just want to talk. I know you're afraid, but you know I can't hurt you. I just want to talk to you." His voice was smooth like hot cocoa on a winter's day. It made her shiver. Still she couldn't force herself to turn to him but she couldn't move forward either.

"I can't..." she whispers. She didn't know this person but she knew what he was.

"Look at me!" The strength in his voice. How could she not obey... and she knew it all too well...

She turned around and her eyes widened. He was indeed a stranger to her but unlike the vampires that she had saw in her past, he was beyond gorgeous. There was no describing the rouge handsomeness that was emitting off of him.

"Good. That wasn't so hard now was it?" He smiled, showing a glint of fang. Vampire. His eyes were an odd color of... brown, although they didn't look brown. It was like an autumn leaf, brown but turning a gorgeous orange. Was he the figure she saw earlier? Must be...

"What do you want?" Her voice came out quieter and shakier than she meant it but she knew he heard from the tilt of his head... or at least read her lips.

"Let us in." He said it so simple, like asking for a piece of candy. Though, perhaps that is what she and everyone else under the protection of the wards were to him and his kind: candy. "It is a big request, I understand.

"Request?!" Her voice became loud as she shook her head. She would've thought him kidding but she knew all too well he was not. "This place is safe from the freaks of the night because people like you make it unsafe for it not to be." Being on the other side of the line, where she saw him pace as if he was in a cage, made her more confident than usual.

"Freaks of the night? My dear girl, you have no idea." Another male came up, looking almost exact same as the other male. Twins?

"Please, just go away." Her voice was quiet again. How many were lurking around? She scanned the outskirts. She heard rumors that the vampires did not have enough blood to sustain their area. Some vampires were actually leaving, after decades of being around, to find a better area. There have been multiple attempts at the different grounds that had wards placed up to keep the things that go bump in the night out. Some actually came down and it was a bloodbath. Too many vampires needed the blood.

"We are like you, we need substance. If you're willing, if anyone in this little... place of yours is willing to help us out you will be treated well." The first guy says and his twin smiles as if it is a joke. Ally noticed that his eyes were a bit different. It is more like coffee brown. She shook her head and turned around. She was safe. They were safe. If the wards came down every one else would fall. Blood would be splattered everywhere... her hands start to shake. She was safe.

"Go away." Last whisper and she ran.

"That offer will always stand Astria but if we have to force our way into this quaint place of yours, you will not like it."

Her real name spoken almost made her stumble but she shook it off and picked up her pace. Regardless if they knew her name or even knew who she really was it didn't matter. As long as the wards stayed up, she was safe.

I am safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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