Start from the beginning

"There's no way we can..." Decimus started, but Dagan waved him into silence.

"Anything else?" Dagan asked Simon.

"I want to know exactly what the hell is going on." Simon answered.

"Agreed." Dagan said. Decimus hung his head. "Don't worry Decimus. Simon gets what he wants, we get what we need. Right Sy?" Dagan asked.

Simon nodded his agreement.

"Say it." Dagan said, his voice harsh and powerful.

"Yes." Simon replied.

"Excellent, let's get out of here." Dagan said.

"What about us?" A voice asked. Sitting up from his body was the soul of Tim, fateful idiot driver of the van. Appearing next to Tim, his friend Tom rose from his body and through the wrecked seat pinned on top of him.

"Yeah," Tom said. "What's in this for us?"

Crossing his arms, Dagan told the two newly dead souls, "How about we don't deliver your worthless souls to the fires of Hell. How's that for starters?"

"Whatever dude, I went to church." Tom said.

"Yeah, me too," Tim agreed. "How about we show up and blab to some Angel how you three are into some major shit and are going to do some chick. That'd suck for you."

Simon was beside himself, "We're finished."

Dagan snarled, "Shut up Simon! You're right, kid that'd suck for us. However, what you forget, Timothy, is how you took your buddy here for a drunken joyride. You killed your best friend. They don't let souls go to Heaven for that."

"How do you know my name?" Tim asked. Despite being translucent, he appeared more pale than the soul of his friend Tom.

"I've been watching you for the past three months, moron." Dagan told Tim, his eyes flashing, "I know everything about you, what you think, what you do, what you've done and all your secrets." Dagan's stern voice paused before asking softly, "Do you want to know what else I know, Timothy?"

"What?" Tim stammered.

Dagan could taste his fear, "You're not going to Heaven. You're falling straight to the pit and eternal damnation. You know it, I know it. You don't have anything to bargain with. Hell doesn't care about what we're doing, you fleshbound piece of filth." A thin cruel smirk crossed his face. "We represent Hell. I don't have to talk to you, murderer."

When Tim heard the 'M' word his light completely faded away. Becoming a dull shadow he sank through the floor of the ruined minivan and the branches holding it. The van shifted just a little further over the branches as Tim slipped away into the fog of the spirit billowing above the river.

"May you fall," Dagan said as the soul vanished through the floor. The gusting winds blowing through the branches plucked at the precarious, tottering van swaying back and forth.

"Twenty one grams down, and one more helping to go." Decimus said.

Dagan turned his attention from the driver to the hapless sidekick passenger. "Tell me Thomas, as a good church going lad, you do realize blackmail is a sin?"

Simon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Dagan was a dark force with a strength he had never seen before. He swore Dagan enjoyed confusing that soul into giving itself to Hell. His friend spoke with such menace and convincing words. Simon was afraid, and right now it was best to stay close to Dagan's good books rather than stand against him. Simon knew he wouldn't last a minute in opposition to his friend.

The remaining soul answered, "Don't tell me about sin buddy. You're like the devil or something, just trying to trick me. You got Tim, but you ain't getting me. I could leave and go to Heaven right now."

"Yet you remain," Decimus said.

"Gladiator over there's sharp." Tom said. "What can you offer me? Dude over there got a night with a chick for knowing virtually nothing, I heard him."

"Continue," Dagan said.

"I don't want to go Heaven. I want to hang out with you guys." Tom said.

"Another soul tagging along, just what I need!" Decimus laughed. "Hardly."

"Hold on," Dagan said. "If you tag along you'll be a part of this. No Heaven for you. Ever."

"Why don't I worry about that," Tom suggested.

"The more the merrier I guess." Dagan said with a smile.

"Stultus asinus!" Decimus shouted, smacking his forehead.

"Tsk, Decimus, no names please." Dagan said. "Since we're all on the same team now Centurion, why don't you tell me your news?"

Decimus sighed, looking back at the two neos and this third soul. They returned his look with inquisitive ones of their own. "We have a package to deliver to a certain place. On a side note," he said to Dagan. "Michael's coming back to the world. Azazel's set up an ambush for him."

"It's about bloody time!" Dagan hollered, crushing his fist into a cupped palm.

"Michael thinks he's going to stop Azazel and the twins from ambushing Azrael."

"What an idiot," Dagan said. "Azazel and his bookends can't take Azrael. And Michael can't take those three! Shame on him for thinking otherwise," Dagan laughed. "Oh, this is good!" Simon was shocked. He couldn't speak and Dagan saw it. "Something bugging you Sy?" He mocked. "Surprised? That's right, our friend and his girlfriend, the big hero herself are about to go down. Guess what buddy? You just bought into the program and there's no getting out once you're in." Pointing at Tom he added, "From now on you'll do exactly what I say, when I say it. You can ask Simon what the consequences are if you don't."

Simon, gawping, still couldn't answer.

"Now you know what's going on," Dagan said. "I hope you're happier now."

Simon knew there was no way out now. What was worse, he had asked for it.

Witha lurch, the van swung backwards and slipped off the mess of tangled brokenbranches. The shattered chassis fell the remaining distance to the creek bed,splashing down atop its roof. High above the bridge, a flock of Canada Geeseflew southwards in their 'V' formation. The setting sun spread like molassesacross the sky, while the ghostly image of a full moon began to rise.

Disappear: Into ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now