Chapter 17

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My deepest apologies for not updating sooner. I don't want it to sound like there's excuses after excuses but as in my post on my profile, college kicked my ass this semester and I needed to focus on that. But I just need to study for the exam and take it then I'm on vacation for a few weeks!! I will definitely start updating now! I hope you all are still around here! Thank you if so and I hope you enjoy this chapter! :3

Obi decreased his speed and started to stealthily make his way forward. He had no idea where exactly you were but knew that he needed to stay low do avoid unnecessary conflict. Although he also knew he wasn't going to avoid it for very long knowing you were kidnapped.

You managed to get a good hold of te pocket knife without getting the attention of the males. You started to carefully cut the rope but not to the point where it was obvious.
You looked around your surroundings once more to inspect the area and see if your weapon was nearby. Which it was resting on top of a rock by the main guy.

You needed to plan an escape, including in getting ahold of your weapon. It was a gift from Zen and the last thing you wanted was to leave it behind.
After a few moments of struggling to cut the rope, you finally did so and you felt the tightness of it loosen up. It was a relief to remove it but you knew it left s mark without actually seeing it with your own eyes. The next part was to cut the one that was holding again against the tree but not completely. You had to cut it to the point where it made it easier for you to just rip it by extending it. It would be way too obvious if you rip the rope all the way.

Obi has finally found you but kept himself hidden by a tree. He only saw the backs of the males but had a good view of your front. He couldn't just be rash and launch himself towards them. To start with he was outnumbered, and secondly he didn't know their true strength. Also, he didn't want to make any wrong moves and cause them to do any sort of torture. He needed to think things throughly.

You looked around as you waited for s plan to come in mind. It was quite difficult to think of one in this moment since they made it hard to plan an escape. As you looked around, you saw someone by a tree branch waving their hands side to side.
You looked at the guys and back up to squint your eyes and get a better focus. You smiled once you realized that Obi has finally found you. However, that smile quickly faded once you remembered that Obi was their target.

You knew that Obi wanted to plan something out.
So without getting their attention, you signaled Obi with the hand that you were holding the knife with and tried to let him know that it had been cut. You also pointed at him and at your bow that was on rock then you pointed at yourself.
He understood right away what you were trying to tell him. He added a few signals as well and pointed at the baldy and black haired male.

The plan was set and all you were waiting for was the right opportunity to make a move.
You decided to first get their attention by speaking up.

All three of them turned their attention to you.
"What do you want?" One of them responded.

"I'm kind of thirsty..."

As you were speaking, that's when Obi made his first move. He quietly jumped down the tree and sprinted his way towards his targets.
Attacking them behind their neck and causing them to pass out.
He rushed towards your weapon and threw it at you right in time as you got up and completely ripped the rope.
You grabbed it and shot an arrow with a string at the blonde male to try and tie him up.
It was a special arrow that you had installed in your bow just in case for emergencies.
You succeeded in doing so but as it was wrapping around him, he managed to grab the string and pull you in.
It was so unexpected that letting go of the bow didn't cross your mind.
And because of that, he pulled you in and wrap his arm around your neck.

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