Chapter 16

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A/n: sorry for a long wait to update! I had explained on my board that I had my ideas a bit unorganized for this arc and I needed set them straight. Also, I was suppose to update sooner but I got really sick. I thought it was the flu but so it seems that it was a strep throat. Which was the worst thing ever!! Fever, body ache, headache, dizziness, super sore throat. I'm still recovering but since I've been in bed, I had time to update. I promise that the next chapter won't take as long! So please forgive me D: Anyway, enjoy this chapter!! :)

"Please, get this to Prince Zen from Clarines as fastest possible. It's an emergency." Obi anxiously handed an envelope to a messenger. He was currently in the same town, feeling stressed over not being able to find you nearby. Before heading out further, he analyzed the town some more and spoke to many different people over any rumors of kidnappers. Unfortunately, there was no such thing around, so he was left with no clues whatsoever. The only thing that he could think of was if someone was specifically targeting him and or you.

His mind was going in circles as the thought of you being hurt crossed his mind over and over again. He had finally got and you easily slipped from the tip of his fingers.

He continued to ask and anyone can easily tell how worried and stressed he was getting from the way he was walking around.
Normally Obi is very composed and can think of things extremely clear but he just lost the girl he confessed and offered his all to.. this was a first time for Obi to feel such way.
He kept on walking, mind fogging up more and more with each step that he didn't take notice of the same little boy who approached you. The little boy was sitting on a bench while he patted his golden retriever pup that was relaxing on his lap. He was fully aware of Obi that he couldn't help but stare and wonder what caused such behavior.

His eyes kept gazing back at his pup and Obi as he thought of endless possibilities. But never did it cross that he was maybe looking for the girl he lured into the alleyway.

He decided to brush it off and groom his puppy instead.
The moment was then interrupted by none other than Obi.

"Excuse me little kid," The boy looked up and he knew that his curiosity may be finally fulfilled.


"Have you seen a girl with c/h that was wearing—" Obi explained you in as much detail as possible. He hesitated in asking him but at this point, there was nothing to lose in doing so.

The boy put his finger on his chin, giving off the usual thinking stance. He thought really hard but once his eyes traveled down to Obi's hand where he was holding on to the pocket watch, it clicked to him

"U-uh..." He was left with wide eyes and started to panic as he couldn't bear to think how Obi would react if he was to find out exactly what happened

"N-No!! I don't know who that girl is or anything.. I—" The boy continued to stutter and quickly got up from his chair, holding onto his pup as close as possible

"Wait!" Obi immediately took ahold of his wrist and stopped him from running away.
He has made it was too obvious that he knew that he was lying.

"Please.. if you know something, anything! Please tell me!" Obi got on his knees to reach the boy's height and begged him. He was his only hope to getting clues.
"She's my world... if I was to lose her, it would fall apart.." Obi's eyes got teary just thinking of the horrible things that can happen to you.

The boy looked at him, guilt starting to fill up every part of his body.
"I.." The little boy started to cry.

"Promise me that you won't get mad at me," He was that scared that he had to make Obi promise him. He knew that what he was about to tell him was most likely going to destroy him.

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