chapter 70

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I awoke to the sun burning my eyelids. Turning away from the bright stream of light I look down at octavious, removing his arm from around my body I got off the bed and stretched.

My body was sore, especially down below. But it was a good kind of sore. He stayed true to his word and didn't hurt me in the slightest.

As I showered I waited for the familiar burning to take place, but it didn't surprisingly. I still didn't know what had happened to me these last 5 days.

I've been unable to eat, drink, sleep properly, or leave the room. I haven't seen my son in five days.

I've literally been, all day and night for 5 days. I felt like a slut.

Shaking my head I opened the bathroom door not surprised to see octavious stood there.

He wrapped his arms around my body and carried me to the bed before I could say anything.

He hovered above me, about to remove my towel when he realised I wasn't reacting.

He sat up and breathed in my scent, looking surprised.

"It's over?" He asked wanting me to confirm it. I lowered my gaze and nodded, gripping the towel tighter.

My emotions were jumbled up, I didn't know what to think.

"I..I don't know what to say" I told him honestly.

I couldn't thank him, that would be low of me and make it look like I used him. I mean, I never thought I would be with a man by choice. I never expected to enjoy it as much as I did. And now that I could think properly, all I saw when I looked at myself is a..slut.

"So this is it? After all this time your just going to act like nothing happened?" He asked me, he sounded pained.

My chest ached, I shook my head.

"I don't have a choice. I have a 2 year old son that depends on me, I can't be wasting time sleeping with men that only want sex" I told him, hoping he would see my point of view.

He scoffed and stood from the bed, his body rigid and tense. He paced around before finally resting his fists on the wall.

"Octavio-" I started softly but he simply cut me off.

"Don't. I wouldn't want to waste any more of your time, and by the sounds of it I'm not the only one" he told me coldly.

I frowned with confusion and hurt.

"You're not the only man I've been with" I told him growing angry as my heart ached from his words.

He scoffed as if he knew this already. His body tensing even more. His silent accusation hurting me.

"But you are the only man I willingly gave myself to. The only man I enjoyed being with. I guess the feeling isn't fucking mutual" I spat at him.

Leaving his room I slam the door behind me in anger. With only a towel around me I storm through Rosas house to the room she gave me. Putting on some clean panties I find a sports bra to wear, also picking out a sports top with some slim fit Nike jog bottoms. They were sort of like skinny jeans but In the material of jog bottoms.

Remaining barefoot I tie my hair into a high ponytail before heading downstairs. I needed to blow off some steam. Training always helps me think or release my anger.

I entered the kitchen to see Leon throwing food at adonis laughing. It wasn't just a little bit, oh no. It was the entire plate of food including the plate.

I caught the pot mid air, making them both jump in surprise at my sudden appearance. The fury written on my face made Rosa and her husband also pause with worry.

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