chapter 40

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"What colour would you like in your room?" I ask glancing at him, his eyes focus on the huge flat screen TV as he looks through the huge range of colours.

"Blue? Green? Red? White? Black?" I list off a few, earning a shake of the head each time.

It saddened me that he didn't even know which colour he liked, he knew the alphabet perfectly at one a half years old and yet he doesn't know what he likes.

He's never had the chance to pick a colour he liked seeing as we we're locked in a room with four stone walls.

"Its ok if your not sure right now, we can decided later ok baby?" I sooth seeing his disappointment for himself.

"Ok" he murmurs turning his head into my shoulder for comfort.
Wrapping my arms around him I stroke his curly black locks of hair.

"I love you baby" I whisper into his hair kissing his head softly.

"Love you too mommy" he whispers back innocently. I watch his innocent features as he sleeps on me, my mind wondering to hunter.

He will be mine.

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