chapter 47

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Walking through the trees dividing us I begin to shift as they finish their vows. My bones crack and misplace, my heart stops before beating again in time with nature. My eyes turn solid back with bright red pupils, my skin turning dark blue and my body painfully rearranges itself until I was no longer 5ft 9. I was 6ft 4 and the most terrifying creature anyone could imagine.

I was also one of the most powerful creatures alive.

As he bites into her neck officially claiming her as his I let out a roar of pain as my chest rips open. Everyone at the ceremony screams at the sound of me but runs at sight of me.

I was no longer Scarlett.

I was the moons lycan.

Even with all the pain in my body I managed to make my way to hunter and Sophia.

I managed to stand before them. I managed to lift my razor sharp claws.

I managed to rip Sophia's throat out.

And then..nothing.

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