Chapter 1

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Clara's POV:

"Hey Jo"

It's weird calling my twin Jo because that's what my other bestfriend is named. HMMM...

"Yo Yo CC"


That's my nickname from her because my name is Clara and she's been on "Shake It Up" and she knows Zendaya. And GURL, I do too. I really need to stop talking in my head.

"So... what's the plan?" I asked.

"What plan?"

"You know, "The Plan"

"Oh Right.... Sorry I just have those "dumb blonde" moments..." She blurted.


"Anyway, let's go to my room. I'll tell you the plan" I. AM. NOT. GOING. INTO. HER. ROOM.

"Naw, Heck NO!! I am NOT going into your room!!"

"Why not? I AM your twin, remember me? Jordyn? yeah, that girl"

-cue her cute and adorable roled eyes with a small grin.-

"Well, I know you're my twin and I know better than going into your room" DUH.

"Look, do you or do you not want to go to ALDC?"

"Well duh, who wouldn't?!"

"Then let's go to my room. NOW."


While through our home's halls, Jordyn was staring at her phone like a love-sick puppy. Finally we reach her room. Checking her door for pranks, It looked like there was no prank. Until I sat on pizza, that was underneath her ugly scarf.

"JORDYN JESSICA SMITH!! I thought there wasn't any pranks!!"

"There aren't any, you just sat on the pizza I ate last night. I forgot where I placed it." She shrugs.

"Well, I found it!!" Ugh! She needs sanitary advise.

"On the plus side, it didn't stain your jeans?"


"Girl, calm yer face. You look furious."

neah neah neah neah neah

"Ya, that's what was going for" Sarcastic much Clara?


"Well, anyway, The plan:1st step Go shopping"

"Go Shopping?! Jo how is that supposed to help?!" This girl has gotta be kidding.

"Shush.. I aint finished yet. As I was saying, We go shoping for buisness-looking cothes, you know skirts, blazers, plain white polo, fake glasses. 2nd Step: We do a business deal with mom, which I already have. 3rd step: we're off to ALDC 4th step: finish ther rest of the year in our studio"

" we have a plan B?"

"Yup, Let me worry about that. We also have a plan C, D, E, F, G and H"

I look at her weirdly. In a way that screams 'What?' in the dumbest way possible.

"Like I said, Let me worry about it"

"Ok..." I'm still a bit weirded out by the fact that we have a plan B, C, D, E, F, G and H



"It's Shopping Time!"


"Where do we get the money?"

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