Task force X?

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When I woke up again the guards were rolling me down the hallway. I swear if they did anything to me while I was out I'm going to rip their heads off. "You're so screwed!" I turned my head. There, sitting right next to me was the infamous Harley Quinn! I shuddered. I really hope that she doesn't remember me. Why would she? I look completely different than before and right now I probably looked like trash. I at least tried to fix my hair but my hands were tied down by those idiot guards. She looked over at me and studied my face as she squinted her eyes. I, being the awkward person that I am, just smiled at her. She smiled back. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. The guards lined me up with a bunch of other people including Harley and KC. I hopped off and stretched my arms. Suddenly, a man (who was hot as hell!) approached us. I tuned out what he was saying. What! It's not like it's important. In plus, I wanted to look at his face. His attractive face. "You somewhat irritate and vex me, you die".Was all I heard when I tuned back in. Harley raised her hand. "I'm know to be quite vexing I'm just forewarning you". The man stared at her. "Lady SHUT UP!" Harley pouted and crossed her arms. Ok what the hell did I miss? Seriously. I was tuned out for 5 seconds! Or more. When he was done talking I spotted my chest. My chest! With my outfits! I pulled out a ton before settling on one. It was a crop top with a black mini skirt. I pulled off my shirt. To be honest, I really didn't care if anyone was watching. It's not like people haven't seen a girl before. And it's not like I was naked! I pulled on my skirt and turned around. Everyone was literally paused and staring at me and Harley. "What?", we both said. I grinned and Harley giggled.******************
Time skip brought to you by your lazy author****************************************
"Look at the pretty lights", Harley said in awe. I rolled my eyes and looked at Flag. (Found out his name by stalking him a little. What? I just wanted to know his name!) All of a sudden, the helicopter that I was on started falling. And I was NOT in the mood to die today. Everyone started screaming while Harley just laughed. She laughed. SHE LAUGHED. As if nothing was happening. Then, I passed out. At least I think I did. Because when I opened my eyes I was on the ground. Harley skipped out of the helicopter. "What a ride!", she exclaimed. I stood up and scoffed. This girl wants to be killed. It's not like I'm mad at her it's just that everything seems funny to her. Which was annoying. Seriously.

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