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Gisa's POV

I'm walking home from the bus stop crying. The kids here are so mean. The called me a whole bunch of names and made fun of my name.

I hate it here. I walk up to my apartment and open the door.

Mom rushes to the door and looks at me. Terrified. She incases her hands on her mouth. Wide eyed.

"Honey?!" She says.

"What?!" I yell.

"Your eyes ate red." She says.

"Well no dip I've been crying." I say silently shunning myself.

"No your eyes are red." She says as I rush to the mirror. Replacing my once green eyes are a violent red color.

"How?" I ask crying.

"Your eyes are now baby blue." She says.

"Great another thing they can tease me about. My kaleidoscope eyes." I ball.

"Were leaving tomorrow for the vacation." Mom says.

"But it's next week." I say.

"Aunt Pacifica convinced me to come early." She says smiling.

"Why?" I ask.

"You shall see soon. Now pack." Mom orders.

I run into my room. I grab my suitcase and pack like my life depends on it. The sooner that I can leave this hell hole the better.

The next day...

Mom wakes me up early and tells me to get dressed for school. I put on my yellow cardigan and my leather pants and some black sneakers.

I run out the door. I walk to the bus stop. Then a girl my age walks up to me and pushes me into the mud. She starts punching and kicking me.

Then I stand up and start saying random stuff and floating. My eyes at this point are glowing red.

"NEVER BOTHER ME AGAIN BITCH!!!" I yell. Then I faint.

I wake up on my couch. My mom obviously in the kitchen.

"I don't know it just happened." She says. I decided to eves drop.

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"I couldn't move back there. It's been over 12 years since that day."

"I guess you have a point it would be more safe."

"Fine we'll move. You better pick us up. And don't tell Dipper." Then she hangs up.

"Gisa wake up." My mom shakes me.

"What mom." I ask as I flip over.

"What happened out there Gisa?" She asks.

"I don't know I just lost control." I say. The answer obviously not good enough for her.

"This was much more than a school yard fight." She says.

"Just drop it please." I say.

"We are moving into a new house." She says turning her back.

"Where?" I ask.

"Gravity falls." She says quietly.

The next day...

I pack up the rest of the stuff. Mom was buying a carrier for outer truck. So I was home alone. As I was walking through our now empty house I noticed a bunch of kids looking at the window.

Their eyes burning with hatred. Screaming stuff up to me. But me having to live on the top story I can't hear. I walk away from the window. Hearing the floor boards creak under the pressure of my weight.

Soon my moms laughter fills the apartment as we carry down boxes. Mom says it's going to take 2 days to get there. We will sleep at a hotel tonight and get there by tomorrow.

We put all are stuff in the carrier and set off.
Me and mom don't have much stuff. I am very happy that we are moving.

Later that night...

Mom got a hotel for us. It's a nice little room. I has 2 beds and a small tv.

We lay down on our beds ready to sleep.

"Mom? What's gravity falls like?" I ask.

"Its beautiful. The first time I went was when I was your age. A bit older though. I has so much trees and rivers. It's where I meet your father. Honey by the way people will most likely call me a name which is my real name but I changed it. My name was Mabel Pines. I had a brother, a mom, a dad, two uncles, and... I guess that was it." She finished sadly. The words made my neck burn. Flipping over on my side I look out of the window as rain starts to fall.

That night the sound of the small hotel settling and the rain going pitter patter let me go to sleep early.

The next day...

Mom wakes me up early. She has us out the door before 8:00 in the morning. We grab our stuff and leave.

I'm still really tired so I sleep more in the truck. Mom says at 4:00 we should get there.

By the time I wake up it's 3:30. 30 more minutes until I get to see the family I never knew. The only side of the family I knew was my papas side. It was really awkward.

Mama is a nervous reck. She's sweating and shacking. I keep asking her if she's okay but she doesn't answer. I'm scared.

For the next thirty minutes we sit in the car waiting for the next exit. Finally it comes and we get of the long highway which consisted of our life for 2 days.

I look up to see the beautiful summer leaves as the wind disturbs them. Shaking gently and falling a bit. Some leaves are already turning a crisp orange yellow color.

The hills and mountains in the distance. With the bending valleys. And the final destination point is right there. In my eye a whole bunch of people who I do not know are holding up a sign that says "welcome home Mabel" on it.

"How did they all know that you were coming?" I ask.

"Aunt Pacifica told them." She simply says.

We drive down the road a bit longer and realize how many people are there. All most 30 people are there cheering for not us my mom.

"Honey let me get out first." Mom says as I'm leaning down. Mom gets out and is surrounded by people. Probably asking questions about me or her.

I can't hear her very well until everyone starts to stop. Mom says a quick thank you. Then she finally waves me out.

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