Chapter 8

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"Hi detective Reynolds, I'm Dr. Huang" this little Asian man said to me. He seems chill.
"Nice to meet you" I said giving him a small smile while I shook his hand.
"Okay, so why don't we get started" he said and sat down at the table.
I sat across from him.
"Let's start off with how long have you been with SVU?"
"About a month and a half" I answered.
"Okay, do you like it here?"
"About your family?"
"What about them" I said sternly.
"Do you have any?"
"... yes"
"Do you talk to them?"
"Your mom and dad?"
"What does my family have to do with this?" I asked annoyed.
"Your captain is worried about you and wants to know what's going on, that's all. We're just here to talk" he said calmly.
"My mother died of a drug overdose when I was 19 and my father... I don't speak to him" I said.
"Why not?"
"He's an ass, for starters. And he was... abusive" I said.
"Okay... did he ever, hurt your brothers"
"Danny, oh hell he did. James... he used to but then he moved out and took it all out on me and Danny"
"Danny's the one who attacked you, correct?"
"Yeah, but h-he was just angry. Y'know, my father brainwashed him and destroyed him, it's not his fault" I said defending him.
"What about James?"
I stayed quiet.
"Yeah, I-I heard you" I said looking down at my hands.
"Is there something you want to tell me? About James?"
"... nope, nothing" I said shaking my head, clearing my throat.
"How old were you when he moved out"
"Did it impact you, in any way?"
"Yeah, my father would just abuse me and Danny more."
"Other than that"
"... what are you trying to get at?" I said looking at him intensely.
"What Did he do to you that makes you hate him?"
"I never said I hated him" I said getting up.
"Okay, this whole thing is ridiculous. Nothing is wrong with me. I just have a messed up family! That's it" I said and I walked out.
Captain was standing there.
"If you're gonna put me on desk duty, then just do it, I don't care" I said and kept walking, not waiting for his reply.
~Narrator POV~
"There's something about her brother, James, that she won't give up, something deep" Huang told Cragen.
"Is that why she is acting out in my squad room" he said.
"I can't say for sure. But what I can tell you is, is that whenever I brought up James, she avoided the subject. Has she talked about him? To any of you at all?" Huang asked Cragen.
"No, she's new around here, we don't know much about her, except her father was abusive and Danny attacked her. That's basically all we know" Cragen said.
"Maybe I can talk to Olivia or Amanda about her?" He asked Cragen.
"Yeah, of course" he said and they walked down to the squad room.
"What do you know about Detective Reynolds?" Huang asked Olivia.
"Well, she's a good detective-"
"About her personal life more" he interrupted.
"Uh, well, her father was abusive, her brother Danny is in jail for attacking her and her other brother James? She doesn't talk about him. Also, she's supposed to get married, but I don't know about that" Olivia said.
"Why do you say that?" Huang said.
"she said that she doesn't know if he's alive. He's in the army, I figured" Olivia said.
"She never talks about her brother James though?"
"No, never. I mean, She mentioned to me once that he existed, told me he was 32 but that was it" she said.
"Okay, thank you Olivia" he smiled.
Huang talked to the other detectives and they all said the same thing. She never talks about her brother.
~Alex POV~
The next day I walked into the squad room, I went to my desk and put my stuff down.
Amanda glanced up at me from her screen, but I didn't say anything.
I went to my apartment last night, it was trashed. I just don't know what to do.
"Hey" Olivia said as she walked by.
I gave a small smile but that was it.
"Reynolds, I've got the case file from last week,
Jessica Pretchet." Fin said handing it to me.
"Oh, thanks" I said and put it down on my desk.
"Are you okay?" Amanda asked, I just sat there zoning out.
"Hello?" She said waving her hand.
"Yeah, um sorry, what?" I said shaking my head.
"Are you okay? You're acting weirder than usual" she said with raised eyebrows.
Should I tell her what's going on?
I don't know.

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