Chapter 3

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"What" I said cautiously.
"One of the boys they took in for questioning... he's claiming to know you. He said that he's your brother" she said looking at me for some sort of answer or anything.
I didn't say anything.
"I-I think you should go... you have this case to worry about" I said to her.
"Alex... is he? Your brother?" She asked.
"I don't know, Okay! I... I haven't talked to my family since I was 17" I said to her.
"But you do have a brother"
"Yes....I have 2 brothers. Ones 20 and the other one is 32"
"You never told us" she said.
"No one asked, so I never told" I said shrugging my shoulders.
Later that day my brother told Olivia that he was only going to talk to me. So she called me in.
I stood in front the glass window watching him.
I haven't seen him in so long. Since he was 9.
"You ready?" Amanda asked.
"Haven't seen him in 11 years... I'm ready as I'll ever be" I said and took a deep breath and walked in.
He looked up and met my eyes.
"Alex" he said, not believing what he was seeing.
"Danny" I said sitting in front of him.
"You have to help me... I didn't do this" he said pleading.
I just looked at him. All I could see was my father and my older brother.
"Where were you when it happened" I said quietly.
"I... I was at the frat" he said shakily.
"Danny, don't lie to me" I said sternly.
"I'm not lying! You have to believe me" he yelled.
"Okay, so if you didn't do it, you wouldn't mind if we did a DNA test" I said.
"What? For what?!" He said.
"If you didn't do it, you have nothing to worry about" I said calmly.
"Alex, you're my sister! You know I didn't do this!" He yelled again, tears coming out of his eyes.
"What happened Dan! What happened! Instead of telling me you didn't do it, how about you tell me what the hell happened!" I yelled getting up knocking the chair over.
"I-I was with Mark! And-and he left with her-"
"Who's mark" I demanded.
"One of my frat brothers" he said defeated.
"Where did he go" I said.
"I don't know-"
"Where did he go!" I yelled.
"I don't know! Okay?! He-he left with that girl and left me at the bar... I didn't know he was gonna rape her I swear! If-If I had known I wouldn't have let him take her" he cried.
"So you lied... you weren't at the frat. Were you guys drinking" I said leaning my hands on the table.
He didn't say anything.
"Did you?!" I yelled.
"Yes I lied...and-and yes we drank" he said tears coming out of his eyes.
"Where is he now" I said.
"I don't know, I swear! He left when he saw the other 2 cops come to our door" he said.
I paced to the glass window and back to the table.
"Danny... I swear to god, if you're lying to me-"
"I'm not I swear! I'm not dad, or-or James!" He yelled.
"Okay..." I said quietly.
"This is my fault" he said putting his head down.
"Dan... this isn't your fault, okay? Your with the wrong person at the wrong time" I said calmly.
"Why'd you leave me?" He said changing the subject, looking at me with tearful eyes.
"I was 9 and you left me with-with our dad" he said, hurt.
"We're not talking about this now" I said walking towards the door.
"No! You don't get to do that! After you butchered me! I want answers now too" he yelled getting up.
"We'll talk about this later, not now" I said sternly looking at him.
"No, no You don't get to do that." He said shaking his head.
I walked to him.
"Danny, just walk away, okay? Get out of here and we'll talk later" I said I put my hand on his shoulder and he swatted it away.
"You left me with that monster" he said, his fear now turning to rage.
That look in his eye, I knew too well.

Detective ReynoldsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin