Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Tyler's POV

"Like I had been sitting there with her name right on the edge of my tongue and it just began getting so heavy until finally it dropped."

I sighed.

I should have known he wasn't going to remember us... If he hadn't realized who his kidnappers were and tried to get away then obviously he wasn't going to remember some random guy who had just popped into his life before he was taken...

I was standing at the door, listening while he explained what happened to Alfie.

"But, I think I'll stay with Zoe, I feel like I can trust her..."

"You can, I know you don't remember; but Zoe was with you in most of your life and has helped you through time and time."

I could already here the smile in the silence he left.

"Thank you by the way... It's helpful that you can understand... I feel bad I can't remember you, but hopefully we'll all create new memories."

"Um..." I opened the door. "Are we ready to head out?" I gestured backwards with my thumb, my mouth twisted awkwardly to the side.

"Yah..." Troye glanced at me and smiled.

Alfie got up and took Melanie to meet Zoe in the car.

"Look, Tyler." Troye had placed one hand on my arm. "I'm sorry I can't remember all we've been through; but I-... Well I feel like..." He blushed and kissed me on the cheek. "I feel like I had to do that..."

I could feel my face get warm as he walked away, leaving me silent and shocked in the doorway.

Troye's POV

He didn't get in the car until a few minutes after me, and his face was bright red.

"I'll take you to our old apartment, and then in the morning we can talk about some stuff at Tyler's house."

At the mentioning of his name Tyler's head popped up.

"What?" He asked, making Zoe repeat it all.

"Oh, yah."

I snickered and Alfie shot us both a confused look.


"We're homeee‼" Zoe sang stepping through the door.

She showed me to the couch, where she ordered me to stay until she had cooked up a proper dinner.

"I'll make some spaghetti and grab some Nutella for you to snack on..." She shuffled into the kitchen and left me to look around the apartment.

Before I knew what was happening I was up on my feet walking through a hallway I vaguely recognized, my mind skipping doors purposely for reasons I had no clue of.

"Troye where are-"

I was standing in the doorway of what I knew was my room. It had a bed and pictures, and a white @ symbol that sat on the bedside table next to an alarm clock that looked like it had been through hell and back.

There were books that I could practically see myself reading and a closet that was stuffed with clothes.

"I didn't change anything while you were gone. I left it all here for when you came back."

I stared at the room.

My feet began moving again, their wake from the surprise of familiarity fading and taking new light to be even more sure of each step.

It took me to my bed, where there was a book bag and a phone.

I picked up the phone, and clicked the home button, my mind uncaring that it actually turned on.

"The password is-"

"30927" I interrupted.


My background was Zoe and I sitting together with Alfie, a few by standers walking past as we took a selfie together.

"You should go through the photos; see what you remember."

I nodded.

"Thank you Zoe."


this is the last update for now... I think I'll count these chapters as early Christmas presents... Or late thanksgiving... Either way...

I love you guys with all my heart and soul and I'm going through some stuff right now that only my writing and love and support can get me through so thank all of you soo much... I'm currently done rewriting I Am...    So I will post the new chapters tomorrow. I love you <3 Yah... YOU :)



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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A Sky Full of Stars (Sequel to IJWSTSWY) Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now