Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (Tyler's POV)

It was the two year anniversary...

Just thinking about it hurt, but I had to be there for Zoe and Alfie, who after that two year search had become two of my closest friends.

"Melanie sweetie! Are you ready to go yet?" I could hear her feet pattering above me in the upstairs bathroom.

"Almost done Daddy!" She called back, her feet echoing as she raced down the stairs and threw herself onto my shoulders.

I huffed when she hit me, braced for impact but not braced for how heavy she had become.

"Honey, I think you're going to need to be careful... You're eight now and you're getting to tall to be picked up!"

She giggled.

"But Daddy!" She whined.

I shot her a look that told her I wasn't falling for it.

"Fine!" She grunted, sliding off my back onto the floor.

There was a knock at the door and Melanie's eyes sparkled.

"Daddy can I get it?" She cried, jumping up and down.

"Ok." I said, making sure to watch her from the corner of my eye as I straightened the tie I was wearing.

"Aunty Zoe Aunty Zoe! Look at my new dress!" Melanie had thrown the door open to let in a very ecstatic looking Zoe and a blasé Alfie.

"Ooo look at you! You're looking all grown up in your dress!" Zoe replied, kneeling down and tugging at the bottom of the dress to make it straighten where it had bunched up.

"And, " Melanie rambled on."Daddy says that you can do my make-up."

I scrambled over.

"I did not say anything of the sort young lady!" I exclaimed, glaring at her with my parenting lasers.

"Fine." Melanie admitted. "He didn't say you could..." She dropped her voice in hopes of me not hearing. "But can you please????"

I shot Zoe a look which she met with a begging smile.

"Fine." I whispered, glancing at Alfie who wore a very pleased smile.

"Uncle Alfie!" Melanie cried, obviously just noticing him.

"Hey there!" He said, lifting her up and automatically making me jealous that I didn't have the strength or the height.

"Are you doing ok?" Zoe whispered, swatting away my hands that were still fumbling to straighten the tie and doing it herself.

"I could be better." I admitted sadly, watching her hands work in the mirror.

"We all could do better, but I think the best thing is to try and understand that it happened, and there was nothing to do about it... And then, slowly but surely we can move on..."

She patted my chest when she finished, still keeping her piercing blue eyes on me.

"But what if I can't move on?"

She shook her head.

"It's not if you can, it's if you want to...."

I sighed.

"That's the thing Zoe... I don't think I want to... I just..." My throat got tight, and my eyes began to burn. "I just want him back...."

She wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly.

"We all want him back Tyler..." Zoe had paused, but when she opened her mouth to say more, Melanie came bouncing up beside her.

One Melanie Makeover later, Zoe had linked arm with Alfie who was effortlessly carrying Melanie on his back, and we made are way down to the high school.

We drove up to the high school, where a large crowd of people stood watching as the principal gave a long speech about what had happened two years ago.

"He was a fine young man; he was dedicated and had much promise...."

They were so full of shit.... They hated him and now they felt pity for the fact that they hadn't treated him better...

"I'm sorry Zoe but I don't think I can sit through this." I began to get up, and I felt Melanie link her hand with mine.

"Why are you leaving?" She asked walking with me to the car.

"Because they weren't nice to Troye before... and now they're pretending to be so that they can get the admiration of the other people."

She frowned.

"That's not ethical..."

I chuckled; the ethics of the world was something Melanie had begun to learn only a bit after Troye was taken, and now I was begging to think she was confused on what it meant... But I didn't correct her; instead I just opened the car door and sat, listening to the muffled words of the principal who was now crying.

When were they going to learn...?

No matter how many speeches they gave, and no matter how hard they cried nothing was bringing back Troye...


It was small and dark, when I first woke up and everything had been so confusing... I couldn't remember much, but I knew words, which Devin had said was a good sign, and I was what John had said 'Mentally stable'.

But I didn't remember my name... Or my age, or what I was doing cramped in a fifteen by fifteen foot room with one bed and a window so small and so high up that I couldn't even see out of it.

But now, waking up on what I counted was the almost second year of me being here, I was used to the dim light of the morning, and the sound of Devin coming down the trapdoor to bring me breakfast.

"Hey." He said quietly, setting the plate down beside the bed on a small table John had bought.

"Morning." I answered, knowing that Devin was never in a good mood in the mornings, and that saying anymore than simple 'hello's or 'goodbye's would make him angry.

Devin used to be my boyfriend, from what John had said, but after they saved me, Devin had decided John was a better candidate.

"Thank you." I said as Devin climbed the ladder to the upstairs.

He didn't say anything back, and I didn't expect him to, John was the one that was more cheerful in the mornings, he said that every day was a new one and that we should always be glad to have another day.

"Hello Alec." John said as he slid down the ladder, a smile on his face.

"Morning John... How'd you sleep?"

He shrugged.

"Like normal... You?"

I shook my head, to indicate that once again I was getting no sleep.

"I keep having these dreams..." I said, recounting my many dreams.

"What are they about?" John's eyes were locked on mine and he seemed very alert.

"Well there's one where I'm at some school, and there's this girl talking to me about one of the teachers... That's what most of them are, just dreams about this girl talking to me..."

For the rest of the day, whenever John came downstairs he would ask me about the dreams, and when I asked him why they were so important he said that there was no reason, he was just curious...

But his questions seemed beyond curious, and I began to think that the dreams I was having were actually not even dreams... But memories.

A Sky Full of Stars (Sequel to IJWSTSWY) Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now