Growing up.

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Unknown POV
Justine and Arista have been growing up fast. They're now eight and are playing hopscotch amongst other troll children along the path.
Justine is a dark Crimson troll with purple hair. She had a heart on her left cheek but has inherited her fathers personality.
Arista is a maroon colour troll with branch's blue hair. She has glitter on her cheeks like her mother. She is a much carefree and happier troll that loves to help Poppy with designing the parties.
"Arista watch out!" Justine watched her as she tripped up the curb. Arista had tears in her eyes and now a large deep red cut along her knee. Justine picked up her sister and gave her a strawberry lolly. Arista is always hurting herself by either tripping or doing something else clumsy, so Justine keeps a stash of lollies so she doesn't bail out crying. Justine cleaned her cut and smiled.
"Clumsy Ali." She ruffled her hair. Clumsy Ali is a nickname many trolls in their village call her by because of her clumsiness.
"Let's get back inside" Justine picked her off the curb and placed her swiftly on her feet. They both walked through the door and greeted their parents.
"Ali scraped her knee again" her twin laughed. Ali frowned and pouted.
"Aw Ali come here girl." Branch opened his arms. A few moments later and the small troll was trapped in her fathers embrace.
"Daddy!" She giggled as branch started to tickle her hips. She squirmed and laughed.
"I'm home!" Poppy opened the door.
"I brought pizza!" Poppy smiled down at the eager and hungry trolls.
"Yay!" They both cheered. Poppy placed the slices on the counter and shouted out once it was served.
"Dinners ready!" Poppy's voice echoed.
"Race ya. Winner gets biggest slice!" Two trolls tumbled into the kitchen trying to get first slice.
"I win!" Arista cheered. She took the first slice and then the others came in retrieving a slice of the pizza.
The troll family happily ate pizza and laughing at Arista on her clumsy moments.

Author note:
This is the end of the book! Don't worry! Another book is being made I hope you liked it 😊 take care.

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