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Unknown POV

"Creek! Return Poppy to me!" Branch wrapped his hair around his throat, strangling the troll.
"N-n-no" he choked out. Creek uses his legs to kick me off his body.
"You will never get p-" creek got interrupted with a large blow to the head. He crumbled to the floor, passed out. Branch gave his unconscious body a kick and climbed over it to retrieve the queen. He appeared at the entrance of a room and opened the door, carefully not to make a sound. He looked around and spotted a cage. Poppy was bent over, tears streaming down her cheeks and her colours had faded. No not Poppy! She can't loose her colours! Branch thought.
"Poppy..." Branch whispered. Poppy looked around and noticed branch.
"Branch!" She got up off the floor and tried to reach for branch through the metal bars.
"I'm busting you out of here!" He reached for Poppy's hair and retrieved a pair of scissors. Poppy looked confused, but when branch threaded it through the lock, she smiled. The lock clicked and Poppy came running out with arms wide open. Branch leant down and hugged her in safe arms.
"Ah-ah-ah. What do we have here" creek surprisingly appeared in front of them both. Branch grabbed Poppy's arms and pushed her behind him, out of sight from creek.
"What do we have here?" Chef opened the door to the room with an evil grin plastered on her face. Creek smirked.
"Creek wait! Chef is tell you what to to and cannot do. Creek you don't want that you can come back with us!" Poppy tried to reason with the troll.
"You think that would make him change his mind?" Chef laughed.
"Wait... Creek Poppy had been your friend. She had been there for you no matter what right?" Branch stepped closer to creek with a small smile. Guilt went through creeks body but he shrugged it off. He shoved branch.
"Chef is my friend!" Anger boiled in him.
"Creek... Look at chef. Can't you see through her smirk. She's playing you. She just wants the trolls to herself. I won't be surprised if she eats you after" chef was angry and that sentence and dived for branch. She grabbed him by his hair and dangled him above her mouth.
"Think twice before you talk about me" she was about to release, but a silver metal spoon was thrown in her direction.
"Huh?" She looked around and saw creek in anger.
"Creek you work for me!" Chef explained his spot.
"I'm not your slave any longer!" He, branch and Poppy grabbed ropes and tied chef up tightly.
"Hey! You can't tie me up! I will get you. I will find you!" Her voice faded out as soon as the trolls walked out the room.
"Thank you creek." Branch hugged him. Creek returned the hug.
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." Creek tried to explain why he did what he did.
"No. No. It's ok. Maybe you can come back to the village?" Poppy asked sadly.
"Sorry I think I would just get more hate..." Creek sighed.
"I will visit. But I won't stay. But for now I'm going to try traveling" creek stated and gave Poppy a last hug.
"Sure thing" Poppy returned the hug. When they released each other she held branch's hand in comfort. They both walked the opposite way towards trollsville. Creek turned around and gave a smile and walked away into the leaves of the forest. Branch and Poppy held each other's hands,  but branch stopped.
"Poppy..." He noticed her skin was still that grey dull colour. But he wanted to change that.
"Yes?" She span around with a small smile. Branch paced towards her and connected both their lips.
"I love you" he brushed a few strands of hair out of her eyes.
"I love you to." She replied. Her hands and feet began to glow. She smiled and her body was once again pink. They both walked out of the forest and made their way towards trollsville, with smiles and grind on their faces. As if it was slow motion, Poppy tripped over a large Boulder but before she crashed in a crumbled heap on the floor, arms wrapped around her. Branch looked down towards the clumsy troll and rolled his eyes. Branch stabled Poppy and they continued the path to trollsville.

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